How to Add Google Sheets Web App to Your Desktop

Google Sheets is a powerful web-based spreadsheet application that allows real-time collaboration and access from any device. However, some users may prefer to access Google Sheets directly from their desktop for easier access and organization.

Fortunately, it is simple to create desktop shortcuts for Google Sheets files and folders. This allows you to launch spreadsheets quickly without having to first open a web browser.

Benefits of Adding Google Sheets Web App to Desktop

Here are some of the biggest benefits of adding a Google Sheets shortcut to your desktop:

  • Quick access – Double click the shortcut icon to instantly open spreadsheets instead of having to first launch a browser and navigate to the web app.
  • Offline access – Desktop shortcuts will allow access to recently used spreadsheets even without an internet connection (Chrome only).
  • Organization – Keep all your spreadsheet shortcuts neatly organized on the desktop instead of buried among browser tabs and windows.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to add a Google Sheets shortcut to your Windows desktop:

1. Open Google Sheets in Chrome

First, ensure Chrome is your default browser and open the Google Sheets web app by going to You can also simply search “sheets” in the address bar.

2. Open Chrome’s App Menu

Click the 3-dot menu button in the top-right and select “More tools > Create shortcut”.

Alternatively, enter chrome://apps in the address bar and locate Google Sheets.

App menu

3. Choose Shortcut Location

In the pop-up box, choose where you want the shortcut to be created – your desktop, taskbar, start menu or any combination.

Tip: Name the shortcut for easy identification later.

Create shortcut

4. Access the Shortcut

You will now have a Google Sheets shortcut in the location(s) selected, just like any other program shortcut. Opening this will launch Sheets in a browser tab.

Repeat steps 2-4 to create additional shortcuts for specific spreadsheets or folders.

Advanced Use Cases

Beyond basic desktop organization and quick access, there are some powerful advanced ways to utilize Google Sheets desktop shortcuts:

Offline Access

Enable offline access in Chrome to allow editing, creation and collaboration on spreadsheets without an internet connection. Changes will sync when back online.

Switch Accounts

Create a desktop shortcut while signed into one Google account, then sign in to a different account in the browser instance launched from that shortcut. This allows managing multiple accounts easily.

Integration with Desktop Apps

Use Sheets shortcuts alongside tools like Excel and PowerBI to facilitate data imports, collaboration and analysis across desktop and web.

Tips for Utilizing Desktop Shortcuts

  • Rename shortcuts for quick identification of spreadsheets
  • Organize multiple shortcuts into desktop folders
  • Pin frequently used spreadsheets to the taskbar for quickest access
  • Share shortcuts with colleagues for seamless collaboration


Adding Google Sheets web app shortcuts straight to your Windows desktop provides considerable efficiency and organizational benefits. With just a few clicks, you can launch spreadsheets instantly without browser tabs or loss of context switching between apps and windows.

Combined with offline editing and cross-platform accessibility, utilizing desktop shortcuts helps unlock the full potential of Google Sheets for your workflow.

Whether you need to streamline individual productivity or enhance team collaboration, this simple trick delivers huge dividends towards those goals.

So if you haven’t already, go ahead and add Google Sheets shortcuts to your desktop today!