How To Block and Filter Specific Subreddits from r/All Listings

The r/all listings on Reddit show the most popular posts from all subreddits. However, you may want to filter out certain subreddits from the r/all listings if you find their content annoying or inappropriate.

Fortunately, Reddit offers several methods to block or filter specific subreddits from the r/all listings:

Using Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) Browser Extension

The easiest way to filter subreddits on both old and new Reddit is by using the Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) browser extension:

  • RES is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera. Install the extension for your preferred browser.
  • Once installed, go to your RES Settings Console and click on Subreddits > filteReddit.
  • Switch filteReddit to “on” and go to the subreddits section.
  • Click the +add filter button and enter the name of the subreddit you want to filter, for example “funny”.
  • Click save options. The subreddit should now be filtered from your r/all listings.
  • Repeat for any other subreddits you want to filter.

Using Reddit Premium Account

Upgrading to a Reddit Premium account also allows filtering specific subreddits from r/all:

  • Visit and choose a Premium plan.
  • Once subscribed, go to your User Settings.
  • Under Feed Settings, click r/all.
  • Type the names of subreddits you want to filter separated by commas. For example: funny, pics, meme
  • Click Save Options at the bottom.

Using a Third-Party App or Browser Extension

There are various third party apps and browser extensions that provide subreddit filtering functionality:

  • Reddit Enhancement Suite (as mentioned above)
  • Reddit Is Fun app
  • Browser extensions like Hide Reddit Subreddits

Check their documentation on how to use their subreddit filtering features.

On Old Reddit

For the old Reddit design:

  • Go to
  • On the r/all listings page, look on the right sidebar for the filter subreddit search box
  • Type in the name of the subreddit you want to filter and click the + icon
  • The subreddit should now be filtered from your r/all listings

Deleting Your Reddit Account

If you want to completely stop using Reddit, you can delete your Reddit account:

  • Go to your User Settings
  • Scroll down and click Deactivate Account
  • Select a reason for deactivating and click Deactivate

Your account will be deactivated and all data deleted. This is irreversible.

Using Reddit Parental Controls

Reddit also offers parental control options to limit NSFW content and usage:

  • Go to your User Settings
  • Under Feed Settings, enable Safe Browsing
  • Set Over 18 content visibility to “hide”
  • Use a third party parental control app to set time limits on Reddit usage


  • Use Reddit Enhancement Suite browser extension to easily filter specific subreddits
  • Upgrade to Reddit Premium account and filter subreddits under Feed Settings
  • Use third party apps like Reddit Is Fun or browser extensions
  • Filter subreddits manually on
  • Delete your account or enable parental controls for extreme limitations

Implementing one or more of these methods will allow you to filter annoying or inappropriate subreddits from the r/all listings. Focus your Reddit feed on topics you care about.