How to Connect Child’s Netflix Profile to LeapFrog Epic Kids Tablet

As a parent of two young children, I understand the appeal of letting kids use a tablet for entertainment and learning. Tablets can engage children with fun, interactive content. However, as a parent, you also want to make sure your kids are viewing appropriate, educational content.

The LeapFrog Epic kids tablet attempts to strike a balance – providing parental controls while letting kids access popular apps like Netflix. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to connect your child’s Netflix profile to a LeapFrog Epic tablet.

An Overview of the LeapFrog Epic Tablet

The LeapFrog Epic is a 7-inch Android-based tablet designed specifically for children ages 3-9 years old. It comes preloaded with over 20 educational games and apps covering topics like reading, science, problem-solving and creativity.

The Epic tablet has several key features that make it ideal for kids:

  • Robust Parental Controls – Parents can restrict access to apps, set daily time limits and monitor usage.
  • Kid-Safe Web Browser – The LeapSearch browser only allows access to kid-friendly websites approved by LeapFrog.
  • Durable Design – The tablet has a shatter-safe screen and protective bumper case to withstand drops.
  • Expandable Content – You can download additional apps, ebooks and videos from the LeapFrog App Center.

One unique aspect of the Epic tablet is that you can add select Android apps to the device, including Netflix. However, the process differs from a typical Android tablet.

Step 1: Create a Separate Netflix Profile for Your Child

You’ll first want to create a separate Netflix profile just for your child. This allows you to set restrictions on maturity ratings and prevent access to shows and movies you deem inappropriate.

Here are the steps to create a profile:

  1. Open the Netflix app or website and go to your account page
  2. Select “Manage Profiles”
  3. Choose “Add Profile”
  4. Enter your child’s name and select “Kid” as the profile type
  5. Set the maximum maturity level allowed for that profile (TV-Y, TV-G, etc.)

By default, a Kids profile will only show TV shows and movies rated for children 12 and under. You can customize the rating level though based on your child’s age and sensibilities.

Step 2: Download the Netflix App on Your LeapFrog Epic

The LeapFrog Epic does not come preloaded with the Google Play Store. So you’ll need to install the Amazon Appstore first to gain access to Android apps like Netflix.

Here are the steps:

  1. On your Epic tablet, tap on the “App Center” app
  2. Select the “Other” apps tab
  3. Download and install the Amazon Appstore app
  4. Open the Amazon Appstore once installed
  5. Search for “Netflix”
  6. Download and install the Netflix app from Amazon

This will install the official Netflix Android app on your child’s LeapFrog tablet.

Step 3: Log Into Netflix Using Your Child’s Profile

Once you have Netflix installed, open the app and log in using the profile you created for your child in Step 1.

The content restrictions, maturity levels and other parental control settings you established on that profile will now carry over to the tablet.

Your child will be able to watch only shows and movies that you deem appropriate based on the Netflix profile configurations.

As they get older, you can update the settings to allow more content. But the kids tablet maintains separation from your main Netflix profile so they can access only what you permit.

Tips for Managing Your Child’s Netflix Experience

Here are some additional tips for making sure your kid’s Netflix access stays educational and engaging:

  • Periodically check your child’s viewing history within Netflix and discuss any concerning shows or patterns.
  • Make sure the Epic tablet remains charged when needed. Set expectations for battery life or tie tablet time to other activities.
  • Occasionally watch Netflix together and introduce new shows you feel are appropriate for their age.
  • Use Netflix’s ratings and reviews to vet shows before adding them to your child’s viewing list.
  • Set time limits on tablet usage based on your family’s schedules and routines. The Epic tablet allows you to configure daily time restrictions.

The LeapFrog Epic: A Kids Tablet That Grows with Your Child

One of the best things about the LeapFrog Epic kids tablet is that it “grows” along with your child. As they get older and mature, you can provide more access to apps and web content while still maintaining parental control.

The Epic tablet is designed to keep kids safe and engaged with technology from an early age. Yet it provides plenty of room for customization as needed.

Following this guide, you can successfully set up a restricted yet entertaining Netflix profile on your kid’s LeapFrog Epic. Monitoring and adjusting settings periodically lets you strike the right balance of education and fun.

If you have any other questions on configuring parental controls or installing apps on the LeapFrog Epic, feel free to reach out! I have two young kids of my own and have experimented extensively with the Epic tablet. I’m happy to lend my experience or advice.