How to Create a Public Profile on Snapchat

A public profile on Snapchat allows you to share your content more widely and build an audience beyond just your friends on the app. With a public profile, you can increase your visibility, gain more followers, and express your creativity.

What is a Public Profile on Snapchat?

A public profile is a dedicated space within Snapchat where you can build a public presence. It allows any Snapchat user to find and subscribe to your profile, view stories you post publicly, and see highlights of your best content.

Some key things your public profile can include:

  • Profile photo and bio
  • Public stories
  • Highlights of your favorite stories
  • Lenses you’ve made
  • Subscriber count
  • Link to your website

Having a public profile makes you more discoverable on Snapchat so more people can find and engage with your content, even if they aren’t on your friends list.

Who Can Create a Public Profile?

Any Snapchat user who is 18 years or older can create a public profile. You also need to have at least one friend on Snapchat before you can make your profile public.

If you meet both requirements, you should see an option to “Create Public Profile” on your profile screen.

How to Set Up a Public Profile on Snapchat

Setting up a public Snapchat profile only takes a few minutes. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your Snapchat profile by tapping your Bitmoji or profile icon in the top left corner.
  2. Scroll down and tap “Create Public Profile.” Read the information about what this means for your privacy and content sharing.
  3. Tap “Get Started” then “Create” to make your profile public.
  4. Customize your profile by adding a photo, bio, website link, and more. Make it compelling so people want to subscribe!

Once your profile is public, any Snapchat user can find and subscribe to you. They’ll be able to view stories you post publicly and see highlights you save to your profile.

How to Use a Public Profile Effectively

Here are some tips for making the most of your Snapchat public profile:

Post Public Stories Frequently

Share public stories often to give followers fresh, engaging content. This content appears in subscribers’ feeds so posting regularly keeps you top of mind.

Save Top Stories as Highlights

Curate your best, most evergreen stories into Highlights on your public profile. This lets new followers see your top content right away.

Respond to Followers

Reply to messages and comments from your subscribers to foster a community. This builds loyalty and keeps fans engaged with your brand.

Promote Your Profile

Share your custom Snapcode and profile link across your other social channels. This makes it easy for existing followers to find and subscribe to your Snapchat profile.

Analyze Performance

Check your analytics to see how subscribers are engaging with your content. Learn what resonates to inform future content creation.

Tips for Creating Compelling Public Content

The key to growth on Snapchat is consistently posting content your audience loves. Here are some tips:

  • Show your personality through fun filters and lenses. This creates authenticity that followers will enjoy.
  • Give behind-the-scenes looks at your life, work, or business to feel exclusive.
  • Engage followers with polls, Q&As, contests, etc. This gets them participating.
  • Educate and entertain with fun facts, life hacks, skills, and more. Provide value!
  • Leverage trends like viral sounds, songs, memes, etc. This helps content feel fresh and timely.

Experiment to see what your subscribers respond to best. Always keep it fun and engaging!

Is a Public Snapchat Profile Right for You?

If you want to expand your reach and creativity beyond your current Snapchat friends, a public profile is perfect. The ability to gain subscribers, analytics, and more visibility makes it easier to build an audience around your personal brand.

However, it does mean your content will be public, so don’t share anything you want to keep private. As long as you’re comfortable with that, a public profile can help take your Snapchat presence to the next level!