How to Disable Guest Mode on Chromebook

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Chromebooks come with a guest mode feature that allows anyone to browse the web without signing in. While convenient, this can be concerning from a privacy and security standpoint.

However, a guest mode have access to everything, including your downloads, media, and stored files. Guest browsing activity cannot be monitored or filtered through typical Chromebook management policies

Fortunately, Chromebook owners can easily disable guest mode.

How to Turn Off Guest Browsing

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Disabling guest mode only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Sign in to your Chromebook with the owner account. This is normally the first account created during initial device setup
  2. Select the time icon in the bottom-right corner, then choose Settings
  3. Go to Security and Privacy
  4. Select Manage Other People
  5. Turn off the setting for Enable Guest Browsing

That’s all there is to it! The next time someone tries to sign in as a guest, the option will not be available on the login screen.

Why Disable Guest Mode on a Chromebook?

There are a few key reasons you may want to prohibit guest mode access:

  • Privacy – Disabling guest mode prevents unauthorized access to your Chromebook when you step away from your device
  • Security – Guest browsing circumvents all of the typical Chromebook security, filtering, and monitoring policies
  • Accountability – With guest mode disabled, all usage must be tied to a known, managed user account
  • Restrictions – Guest users have unfiltered access to the web, downloads, and local storage

Schools and businesses typically want to disable guest mode on all managed Chromebooks. For personal devices, it comes down to your specific privacy concerns.

What About Managed Chromebooks?

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If your Chromebook is managed through an organization like a school or employer, there may be additional considerations around guest mode:

  • You may be unable to disable guest browsing if your admin has it forcibly enabled
  • There may be specialized guest management policies that provide some protection
  • Guest access may be tied to alternative directory services and authentication

Check with your Chromebook administrator for specifics around how guest browsing functions on managed devices.


Having an open guest mode on your Chromebook introduces privacy and security risks. While occasional guest access can be convenient, uncontrolled usage should generally be avoided.

Fortunately, fully disabling guest browsing only takes a few quick steps for most Chromebook owners. Just sign-in with the owner account, head to Settings > Security & Privacy > Manage Other People, and switch off guest mode.


How do I get Google Chrome out of guest mode?

To exit guest mode, close the guest browser window or sign out of the guest account.

How do I not use my Chromebook as a guest?

Sign in with your regular account instead of selecting “Browse as Guest” on the sign-in screen.

How do I get guest on my school Chromebook?

If guest browsing is disabled, contact your school’s IT administrator to request enabling guest mode.