How to Disable or Turn Off Comments on Your Facebook Business Page

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook does not provide a direct option to completely disable comments on your business page posts
  • You can use workarounds like keyword blocking and manual comment moderation to control comments
  • Third-party social media management tools offer more robust comment control features

As an experienced digital marketer and social media specialist, I understand the importance of managing comments on your business’s Facebook page. While an active comments section can foster engagement, it can also open the door to spam, hate speech, and other undesirable content. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to disable or turn off comments on your Facebook business page.

Understanding Facebook’s Comment Policies

Facebook’s community policies aim to promote an environment of respect and safety. However, the platform does not offer a straightforward way to disable comments entirely on your business page posts. This is because Facebook encourages open dialogue and engagement between businesses and their audiences.

That said, Facebook provides some tools to moderate comments and limit certain types of content. These tools can help you maintain a positive and brand-appropriate comments section without completely disabling it.

Using Facebook’s Built-in Comment Moderation Tools

While you can’t turn off comments entirely, Facebook offers a few built-in features to help you manage comments on your business page posts.

1. Keyword Blocking

Facebook allows you to create a list of blocked words or phrases. Any comments containing these keywords will be automatically hidden from your page. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to your Facebook page’s Settings
  2. Click on “Moderation” in the left-hand menu
  3. Under “Moderation Settings,” click on “Blocked Words”
  4. Enter the words or phrases you want to block, separated by commas
  5. Click “Save Changes”

Keep in mind that this feature is not foolproof, as users can easily bypass it by misspelling words or using alternative phrasing.

2. Profanity Filter

Facebook also offers a profanity filter that can automatically hide comments containing profane language. To enable it:

  1. Go to your Facebook page’s Settings
  2. Click on “Moderation” in the left-hand menu
  3. Under “Moderation Settings,” check the box next to “Profanity Filter”
  4. Click “Save Changes”

While this can help keep your comments section family-friendly, it may also inadvertently hide innocuous comments containing words that Facebook deems profane.

3. Manual Comment Moderation

If you have the time and resources, you can manually moderate comments on your business page posts. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Find the post with comments you want to moderate
  3. Hover over the comment and click the three dots that appear
  4. Select “Hide Comment” or “Delete Comment”

This method can be time-consuming, especially if you have a high volume of comments. It’s best suited for pages with relatively low engagement or as a supplementary measure alongside other moderation techniques.

Using Third-Party Social Media Management Tools

While Facebook’s built-in tools can help you manage comments to some extent, they may not be sufficient for businesses with a large social media presence or those dealing with frequent spam or abuse. In these cases, third-party social media management tools can offer more robust comment control features.

Many of these tools allow you to:

  • Automatically hide or delete comments based on specific keywords or phrases
  • Bulk-hide or delete comments across multiple posts or pages
  • Set up automated moderation rules and workflows
  • Assign comment moderation tasks to team members
  • Generate detailed moderation reports and analytics

Some popular social media management tools with advanced comment moderation capabilities include Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Agorapulse, and NapoleonCat. While these tools typically require a paid subscription, they can save you significant time and effort in managing your Facebook comments.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Disabling Comments

Before deciding to disable or heavily moderate comments on your Facebook business page, it’s important to consider the potential pros and cons.


  • Reduced risk of spam, hate speech, or inappropriate content
  • Less time and resources needed for manual comment moderation
  • Maintain a more controlled and brand-appropriate online presence


  • Reduced engagement and interaction with your audience
  • Perception of being closed off or unwilling to address feedback
  • Potential loss of valuable customer insights and user-generated content

Ultimately, the decision to disable or heavily moderate comments should be based on your specific business needs, resources, and the nature of your audience and industry.

Best Practices for Managing Facebook Comments

If you decide to keep comments enabled on your Facebook business page, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Establish clear community guidelines: Outline what types of comments are and aren’t acceptable on your page. Post these guidelines prominently and enforce them consistently.
  • Respond promptly: Address comments, questions, and concerns in a timely manner to maintain engagement and show your audience that you’re listening.
  • Use a respectful tone: Even when dealing with negative or inappropriate comments, maintain a professional and respectful tone in your responses.
  • Encourage positive engagement: Regularly share content that invites constructive discussion and feedback from your audience.
  • Consider hiring a community manager: If you have a large and active audience, consider hiring a dedicated community manager to oversee comment moderation and engagement.

By following these best practices and leveraging the right tools and techniques, you can strike a balance between maintaining a positive and brand-appropriate comments section while still fostering valuable engagement with your audience.

In conclusion, while Facebook does not provide a direct option to disable comments on your business page posts, there are several workarounds and third-party tools available to help you manage and moderate comments effectively. By understanding the pros and cons and implementing best practices, you can create a comments section that aligns with your business goals and values.