How to Find a GroupMe Group’s Unique Chat ID Number


GroupMe is a popular group messaging app that allows users to create group chats with friends, family, coworkers, classmates, and more. Each GroupMe group chat is assigned a unique ID number that can be useful for developers or anyone looking to integrate GroupMe into other apps and services.

Finding a GroupMe group’s ID number is easy, but does require a few steps. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to locate the unique chat ID for any GroupMe group you have access to.

Why Find a GroupMe Chat ID?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to locate a GroupMe group’s unique ID number:

  • Developing Integrations: Developers can use GroupMe’s API and a group’s ID to build bots, apps, analytics tools and more using the chat data.
  • Data Export: The group ID enables exporting the full message history for analysis or backup.
  • Manage Groups: Having the ID makes it easier to script or automate management tasks like adding members or posting messages.
  • Troubleshooting: If issues occur within a specific group, Customer Support can use the ID to investigate problems.

Where to Find GroupMe ID Numbers

There are a couple ways to find the unique chat ID number for a GroupMe group you have access to:

Method 1: GroupMe Web/Desktop App

  1. Log into the GroupMe website or open the desktop app
  2. Locate the group chat you want the ID for
  3. Click on the group name to open the group’s info sidebar
  4. The Group ID number will be shown at the top of the sidebar

For example, you may see something like:

Group ID: 1234567890

This long string of numbers is the unique identifier for that GroupMe group. Copy it somewhere safe so you can use it for any integrations or development work.

Method 2: GroupMe Mobile App

The GroupMe mobile app does not directly show a group’s ID number, but you can easily find it using the GroupMe API:

  1. Log into your GroupMe account at
  2. Go to the “Groups” section
  3. Click on the group you want to find the ID for
  4. The group ID will be shown in the URL of that group’s page

For example, you may see a URL like:

The long string of numbers between /groups/ and the next slash is your group ID.

Using The GroupMe API

In addition to finding group IDs, developers can leverage GroupMe’s API (Application Programming Interface) to build tools and apps that integrate with GroupMe groups.

The API provides methods to:

  • List groups
  • Get group data
  • Post messages
  • Add bots
  • Export message history
  • And more

Review the full GroupMe API documentation to see all available endpoints for interacting with GroupMe groups and messages. Most methods require passing the group ID or message ID.

Other Options to Get Group Data

Along with the API, GroupMe provides a few other ways to access your group data:

  • Export Message History: You can export a CSV containing up to 1 month of messages for a group. The group ID is required.
  • Bots: Bots can be added to groups to interact with users or analyze messages. The bot is notified of all messages via a callback URL.
  • Push Notifications: GroupMe supports push notifications that can stream new messages through a websocket to your application.


Finding a GroupMe group chat ID is easy whether you use the mobile app, web app, or developer API. This ID number enables powerful integrations, analytics, data exports, and automation for your groups.

Now that you know how to find any GroupMe group’s unique ID, you can build custom apps and tools to improve your GroupMe messaging experience.

The steps provided in this guide work for both private and public groups as long as you have access to view the group. Locate the ID number for any of your GroupMe groups using the web/desktop apps or developer API outlined above.

More Resources

To learn more about GroupMe IDs and integrating with the GroupMe API, check out these additional resources: