How To Appear Offline and Hide Online Status in Epic Games Launcher

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Check the box next to “Enable Offline Mode Browsing”
  4. Disconnect your internet and close the Epic Games Launcher
  5. Reopen the Launcher and you can sign in to offline mode

This will allow you to access your library and play any games that support offline mode. The downside is you lose access to online features.

Block Connections with a Firewall

You can use your firewall settings to block the Epic Games Launcher from accessing the internet. This will make you appear offline to friends, but limits what you can do.

Set In-Game Status to Away/Offline

Some games like Fortnite allow you to set your in-game status to Away/Offline. Friends will think you’re offline, but it doesn’t work perfectly.

Unfortunately there’s no perfect solution currently. Epic Games has not yet added a native Appear Offline option. Hopefully they add this standard feature soon to give players more control over their status.