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AirTable is a powerful cloud-based database that allows you to organize, track, analyze, and share data in an easy-to-use spreadsheet-style interface. With AirTable, you can create customized views to display your data, making it easy to see only the information you need at any given time.
However, as your database grows in complexity, you may end up with a large number of views that are no longer useful or relevant. Deleting unnecessary views helps simplify your database structure and improves performance.
In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to delete a view in AirTable using both desktop and mobile apps. We’ll also cover how to delete personal vs collaborative views, restoring deleted views, and best practices for managing views.
How to Delete a View on Desktop
Deleting a view using the AirTable desktop site is straightforward:
- Log in to your AirTable account and navigate to the base containing the view you want to delete.
- Click on “Views” in the top left navigation bar to see a list of available views.
- Hover over the view you want to delete and click on the “Delete view” icon (trash can symbol).
- In the confirmation pop-up, click “Delete” to permanently remove the view.
The view will immediately disappear from your base. Deleted views remain in the trash for 7 days before being permanently deleted.
How to Delete a View on Mobile
You can also easily delete views using the AirTable mobile app:
- Open the AirTable app and navigate to the base with the view you want to remove.
- Tap on “Views” in the top left corner.
- Swipe left on the view you want to delete.
- Tap the red “Delete” button to confirm.
The view will be removed right away. Like on desktop, you have 7 days to restore views deleted on mobile before they are permanently erased.
Deleting Personal vs Collaborative Views
There are two main types of views in AirTable:
- Personal views: Only visible to the user who created them
- Collaborative views: Visible to all collaborators with access to the base
As the owner of a base, you can delete any view, including those created by collaborators. However, as a collaborator, you can only delete views you have personally created. You cannot delete the views of other collaborators or the base owner.
Restoring Recently Deleted Views
Accidentally deleted an important view? Not to worry – you can retrieve views deleted in the past 7 days.
To restore a recently deleted view:
- Click on your profile icon in the top navigation bar
- Select the “Trash” option
- Find the view you want to restore and click “Restore”
The view will reappear in your base exactly as it was before deletion.
Best Practices for Managing Views
Here are some tips for effectively managing views in AirTable:
- Delete unused views to declutter your database
- Name views clearly so their purpose is obvious
- Color code views for quick visual identification
- Create separate sections for personal vs. collaborative views
- Limit personal views to reduce clutter for collaborators
- Archive old views rather than delete if they contain important historical data
Taking the time to thoughtfully organize your views will ensure your database remains easy to navigate as it scales in size and complexity.
With AirTable’s flexible viewing options, it’s easy to accidentally build up a bloated view structure over time. By learning how to properly delete views you no longer need, you can streamline your database and improve performance. Just remember – you have 7 days to restore any mistakenly deleted views before they are gone for good!
Implementing best practices like naming views clearly, separating personal/collaborative views, and archiving (rather than deleting) old views will also help you effectively scale your AirTable database as it grows. Taking the time to thoughtfully manage your view structure will pay dividends down the road.
So now that you know how to remove views in AirTable on both desktop and mobile, go forth and do some digital spring cleaning! Simplifying your database views will make your AirTable workflow smoother for both you and your collaborators.