How To Find Empty Low Population Servers on Roblox

Playing on crowded servers in Roblox can be frustrating, with lag, long wait times, and difficulty finding resources. Finding an empty or low population server allows you to enjoy your gaming experience much more. As a long-time Roblox player and content creator, I’m sharing tips on how to find those hidden empty servers.

Use Roblox Server Extensions

The easiest way to find empty Roblox servers is by using browser extensions. Extensions like Roblox+ and BTRoblox add extra functionality to the Roblox website, allowing you to see deeper into the servers list.

Scroll Through More Server Pages

Normally, the Roblox servers list only shows a limited number of pages. With extensions, you can scroll through hundreds of pages to find nearly empty ones hidden at the back.

Sort Servers By Player Count

Extensions can display the number of players in each server on the list, unlike the default Roblox UI. Sort the list by player count ascending to easily spot the emptiest servers.

Quickly Join Low Population Servers

Some extensions have a “Join Low Population Server” button that automatically finds and joins one for you with just a click.

Use Roblox Developer Tools

If you don’t want to install extra browser extensions, Roblox’s built-in developer console allows accessing more server information.

Open the Developer Console

You can open the console in Roblox using Ctrl+Shift+I on PC or Ctrl+Alt+I on Mac. An extra panel will appear with developer tools.

View Server Player Counts

In the console, you can run JavaScript code to extract player data for servers. The code game:GetService("TeleportService"):GetPlayerCountAsync(placeId) returns a table of all server player counts.

Quickly Scan Low Counts

Scan through the table of numbers to quickly identify servers with only 0-2 players. Copy the jobId of an empty server and visit to join it.

Use Automated Server Finders

If browsing through server lists sounds too tedious, try an automated Roblox server finder instead.

Browser Extensions

Some browser extensions like Roblox Server Finder have a server finding algorithm that automatically picks low population servers based on your preferences.

External Tools

Websites like Rolimon’s Game Analytics display detailed live graphs and data on player populations for many popular Roblox games. Use the data to determine peak empty server times.


Roblox bots like Discord’s Bloxlink have commands for finding empty servers. Link your Roblox account to instantly join empty servers from Discord.

Choose Low Traffic Times

Server populations tend to follow daily and weekly trends as players log in and out. Analyze the patterns to determine when your game normally has fewer players online.

Early Morning Hours

Player counts tend to dip lowest in the early morning when most players are asleep. Few people are online between 6 AM to 8 AM in their respective time zones.

Weekday Mornings

Weekday mornings when kids are at school tend to have fewer players than evenings or weekends. Log in at 10 AM on a Tuesday to beat the crowds.

New Game Launches

When a big new game launches, many players jump ship to check it out. Existing games temporarily dip in traffic for a few days after a major new release.


Finding an empty Roblox server gives you room to stretch out and enjoy your gaming without disruption. Use these tips on browser extensions, developer tools, external trackers, and off-peak times to grab a nice private server for yourself. Let me know your own strategies for finding untouched servers in the comments!