How to Format Bulleted Lists in Google Sheets Spreadsheets

Creating organized and visually appealing spreadsheets is essential for data analysis and presentation. One way to enhance the readability of your data in Google Sheets is by using bulleted lists. Although Google Sheets doesn’t have a built-in feature for bullet points like Google Docs and Slides, there are several workarounds to achieve this formatting. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share my expertise on how to format bulleted lists in Google Sheets, ensuring your spreadsheets are both functional and SEO-friendly.

Understanding the Need for Bulleted Lists

Bulleted lists are a great way to itemize information, making it easier for users to scan through data. They help in breaking down complex information into digestible chunks. In Google Sheets, while there isn’t a direct button to insert bullet points, you can still create them using various methods.

Methods to Create Bulleted Lists in Google Sheets

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the simplest ways to add bullet points is by using keyboard shortcuts. You can copy a bullet point from a text editor or use the ALT + 7 (on the numeric keypad) shortcut in Windows to insert a bullet into a cell.

Utilizing CHAR Function

Google Sheets supports the CHAR function, which can be used to create bullets. For example, CHAR(8226) will produce a standard bullet point. You can use this function in a formula to add bullets to your list items.

Custom Number Formatting

For a more scalable solution, you can use custom number formatting:

  1. Select the cells where you want to add bullets.
  2. Go to Format > Number > Custom number format.
  3. Enter your bullet code, such as ● @ (where is your bullet and @ represents the text in the cell).
  4. Click “Apply” to add bullets to your selected cells.

Combining Text and Bullets

If you need to combine text and bullets within the same cell, you can use a formula like =CHAR(8226)&" "&"Your text here". This will create a bulleted list within a single cell.

Using Add-ons or Scripts

For those who require a more advanced solution, Google Sheets supports add-ons and scripts that can automate the insertion of bullet points. You can search for add-ons or write a custom script using Google Apps Script to create bulleted lists.

Best Practices for SEO-Friendly Content in Spreadsheets

While spreadsheets are not typically the focus of SEO, ensuring that your content is organized and accessible can indirectly benefit your SEO efforts. Here are some tips:

  • Use Clear and Descriptive Titles: Just like an H1 tag in HTML, the title of your spreadsheet should be clear and descriptive[4].
  • Organize Your Data: Use headings and subheadings (similar to H2, H3 tags) to structure your data, making it easier for users to navigate[4].
  • Keep It Readable: Format your lists and content to enhance readability, which can improve user engagement[3].
  • Include Keywords: If your spreadsheet is part of a web page, include relevant keywords in your titles and headings to improve its discoverability.


Formatting bulleted lists in Google Sheets requires a bit of creativity, but it’s entirely possible with the methods outlined above. By enhancing the readability and organization of your spreadsheets, you not only make them more user-friendly but also contribute to a better overall experience on your website or platform. Remember to keep your content SEO-friendly by using clear titles, organizing data effectively, and maintaining readability throughout your document.