How to Select Areas by Color in Adobe Photoshop Editor

Selecting areas in an image based on color is an extremely useful skill in Photoshop. As a Photoshop expert with over 10 years of experience, I will provide a detailed guide on the various methods to select colors, adjust selections, change selected colors, and more.


Selecting specific colors or color ranges in Photoshop allows you to edit those areas without affecting the rest of the image. This opens up endless creative possibilities.

There are several tools in Photoshop that can select colors:

  • The Magic Wand
  • The Color Range Command
  • The Select Menu

Understanding all these tools will allow you to leverage color selections for any project.

In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn:

  • How each color selection tool works
  • Tips for fine-tuning your selections
  • Applying edits like hue/saturation only to the selection
  • Changing and replacing colors
  • Best practices for working with color selections

Follow along with the sample images provided to get hands-on experience with these essential Photoshop skills.

Selecting Colors with the Magic Wand

The Magic Wand is one of the quickest ways to select colors in Photoshop. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar
  2. Click on the color in your image you want to select
  3. Photoshop will select all adjacent pixels similar to the one you clicked

Tips for using the Magic Wand:

  • Adjust the Tolerance setting to control how similar colors are selected
  • Use Shift-click to add to an existing selection
  • Alt/Opt-click to subtract from a selection
  • Use Quick Mask mode (Q) to finesse selections

The Magic Wand is great for quick selections, but lacks precision. Let’s look at more advanced color selection methods.

The Color Range Command

The Color Range command offers superior control over your color selections:

  1. Go to Select > Color Range
  2. Use the eyedropper to sample colors from the image
  3. Adjust Fuzziness to expand or contract the selection

Benefits of the Color Range command:

  • Very precise control over the range of selected colors
  • Additional modes like Highlights/Midtones/Shadows
  • Save and load color range settings as presets

Take your time sampling different colors in the image to master your selection.

Select Menu Colors

The Select menu contains handy preset color ranges you can use instantly:

  • Choose Select > Reds/Yellows/Greens/Etc
  • Photoshop will automatically select those color ranges
  • Useful starting point for difficult selections

Use these in combination with Color Range for additional control.

Refining Color Selections

Photoshop offers tools to refine your initial selection:

  • Quick Mask mode shows selections as a red overlay
  • Paint with black/white to subtract/add to selections
  • Use Select and Mask for professional selections

Spend time perfecting your selection edges before applying color changes.

Changing Selected Colors

Once you’ve selected an area, you can alter just the selected colors easily:

  1. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer
  2. Clip it to only affect selected layers below
  3. Adjust hue, saturation, and lightness

This will change the color while protecting unselected areas.

Replacing a Color in Photoshop

To replace a color entirely, use these steps:

  1. Make your initial color range selection
  2. Add a new layer below via Layer > New > Layer
  3. Fill layer with new color (Edit > Fill)
  4. Set layer blend mode to Color
  5. Flatten image

This will replace your original selection with the new color.

Best Practices for Color Selections

Follow these tips for best results:

  • Use non-destructive adjustment layers whenever possible
  • Start broad, then refine and subtract as needed
  • Combine the Magic Wand, Color Range, and Select Menu
  • Save your selections as alpha channels for reuse
  • Work in Grayscale mode for tricky selections

Mastering color selections in Photoshop takes time and practice. But these techniques will enable you to control colors in your images with precision.


Thanks for reading this in-depth guide on selecting colors in Photoshop! With the Magic Wand, Color Range, Select Menu, and refinement tools at your disposal, you have full creative flexibility.

Apply these color selection skills to isolate elements, change specific colors, replace backgrounds, shift color themes, and much more. Feel free to reference this article anytime you need a Photoshop color selection refresher.

Now put these techniques into practice on your images and take your photo editing to the next level!