How To Unmute and Replay Instagram Stories With Sound

Instagram Stories have become a popular way to share quick photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. However, sometimes you may encounter issues with the sound not working or want to rewatch a Story after it has expired. Here are some tips for unmuting sound and replaying Instagram Stories.

Check Your Phone’s Sound Settings

The first thing to check is your phone’s sound settings. Make sure that:

  • Your phone is not muted or in silent/vibrate mode. Toggle the mute switch on an iPhone or volume buttons on Android.
  • Your media volume is turned up high enough to hear audio.

If your overall phone volume is low or muted, Instagram Stories will have no sound as well.

Unmute Stories With The Speaker Icon

Instagram Stories default to having their sound muted. To unmute, simply tap the speaker icon in the bottom right corner of a Story.

The icon will change from crossed out to filled in to indicate that sound is now enabled. Tap it again to mute if desired.

Restart The Instagram App

If you still have no sound after checking volume and unmuting, try force quitting the Instagram app and restarting it.

To force quit:

  • On iPhone: Double tap the home button and swipe up on Instagram to close it.
  • On Android: Open the app manager in settings and select Force Stop on Instagram.

Restarting the app can help resolve temporary glitches with things like sound.

Update To The Latest Version Of Instagram

Bug fixes and patches are frequently included in app updates. If sound is not working properly in Instagram Stories, make sure you’re on the latest version:

  • iPhone: Go to the App Store and check for Instagram updates.
  • Android: Go to the Play Store and check for Instagram updates.

Install any available updates and test Stories again.

Use Third-Party Apps To Save And Replay

If you want to replay an Instagram Story after the 24-hour expiration window, third-party apps can help you save Stories to replay later:

  • StoriesIG – Allows saving single Stories or full profiles. Has options to download media.
  • Story Saver – Simple interface for saving Stories as videos or images.
  • StorySave – Reposts expiring Stories for 24 hours. Lets you manage all your saved Stories.

Saved Stories will have the original audio, allowing you to replay Stories with sound as needed.

Clear The App Cache And Data

Clearing cached data forces the Instagram app to start fresh, which can fix sound glitches:

  • iPhone: Go to Settings > Instagram > Clear Cache and Clear Offline Content.
  • Android: Go to device settings > apps > Instagram > clear cache and clear data.

Be aware this will sign you out, so you’ll need to log back in.

Reinstall The Instagram App

If other troubleshooting steps don’t restore audio in Stories, uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram is the last resort:

  • Delete the Instagram app from your device.
  • Redownload Instagram from the app/play store and log in.

A clean reinstall should reset any persistent sound issues.

Contact Instagram Support

If you still have no sound in Stories after trying these troubleshooting tips, reach out directly to Instagram support:

  • In the Instagram app, go to your profile > Settings > Help > Contact Us to send a bug report.
  • On Instagram’s website, you can request support through the Report a Problem form.

Explaining the issue with details like your device, OS version, and steps attempted will help Instagram address sound problems in future updates.


With Instagram Stories being a popular social media feature, not having sound can dampen the experience. Thankfully, there are ways to resolve audio issues – whether it’s unmuting with the speaker icon, updating the app, using a third party replayer, or contacting Instagram support if all else fails.

Following these tips should get sound working again properly in Instagram Stories. Be sure to also check your device’s media volume, restart the Instagram app after updates, and keep the app updated in general to prevent recurring problems playing sound in Stories.