How to Use and Adjust Weapon Scope in PUBG Game

Using scopes effectively is critical for success in PUBG. Scopes allow you to engage enemies at longer ranges with improved accuracy. Here is a detailed guide on how to use and adjust scopes in PUBG.

Finding and Equipping Scopes

To use a scope, you first need to find and equip it:

  • Loot buildings and supply crates to find scopes like red dot, holographic, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x, and 8x scopes. Not all scopes fit on all guns.
  • Open your inventory and attach the scope to a compatible weapon.
  • On console, press Y to bring up attachment options when a weapon is selected.

Using Scopes

Once equipped, here is how to use scopes:

  • On console, tap the left trigger (LT on Xbox, L2 on PlayStation) to aim down sights (ADS) through the scope.
  • Tap the left trigger again to exit the scoped view.
  • On PC, right click by default to ADS.

Tapping the left trigger toggles scoping on console, while holding the trigger uses third-person aim.

Leading Shots

When targets are moving at long ranges, you need to lead shots to account for bullet travel time:

  • Aim slightly ahead of moving targets at long distances based on how fast they are moving.
  • Leading shots takes practice. Use training mode to improve hitting moving targets.

Rangefinders and Bullet Drop

The mil-dot scopes (4x-8x) have rangefinders that help estimate range and bullet drop:

  • Each dot and line on the scope reticles represents 100 meters.
  • If a target fits between two dots, estimate the range.
  • At longer ranges, aim higher to compensate for bullet drop.

Scope Zeroing

Scope zeroing further helps compensate for bullet drop at long ranges:

  • On scopes with adjustable zoom like the 6x and 8x, use d-pad up/down to set zeroing distance.
  • Start at 100 meters. Increase up to 300-400 meters for distant targets.
  • Zeroing sets where the center dot aims at the zeroed range.

Positioning Tips

  • Use cover and concealment when scoping to avoid being spotted.
  • Take high ground positions and build cover peeks for the best sight lines.
  • Avoid silhouetting yourself against the sky. Enemies will see your outline.

Adjusting Scope Sensitivity

  • Open settings and go to the Scope tab. Set sensitivity for each scope zoom level.
  • Lower sensitivity for high magnification scopes for precision.

Leading Targets and Estimating Range

With practice, you can visually estimate range and the proper lead on targets:

  • Use map grids, buildings, and terrain features to estimate target range.
  • Apply more lead on distant fast targets, less for slower closer targets.
  • It takes time to develop this skill. Practice and review your replays to improve.

Scopes for Different Ranges

  • Use red dots and holos for close quarters.
  • The 3x scope excels up to 300 meters.
  • The 6x and 8x scopes are ideal for long range sniping.

Use the right scope for the engagement range for optimal performance. Carry multiple scopes and swap as needed.

Recommended Scope Pairings

  • SMGs and shotguns: Red dot or holo
  • Assault rifles: Up to 3x
  • Sniper rifles: 6x to 8x
  • DMRs versatile: 3x to 6x

Certain pairings like an 8x on an assault rifle may seem cool but are impractical. Match scopes to weapon roles.

Key Bindings for Fast Equipping

Set key binds for fast equipping and unequipping scopes:

  • This allows quickly swapping scopes during combat as targets change range.
  • On PC by default, press Ctrl + number key to equip and unequip scope.
  • On console, tap left on d-pad then hold A and select scope.

Rebind these to keys or buttons within easy reach.

Scoping Techniques

  • Avoid staying scoped in the open. Peak out, scope, and fire.
  • Pre-aim corners where enemies may appear instead of scoping in the open.
  • Use the mini map to scout areas before scoping in.

Situational awareness while scoped is limited. Use all tools to avoid being caught off guard.

Leaning and Crouching

  • Lean left/right and crouch while scoped to peek corners and over/under obstacles.
  • Make yourself a smaller target and protect your body while scoped.

Only expose what’s necessary for the shot while limiting exposure to return fire.

Breath Control

  • Hold breath while scoped by default with shift (PC) or clicking left stick (console)
  • This steadies sway for more accurate shots.
  • Always hold breath for long range precision shots.

Controlling sway is key for landing shots with high powered scopes.

Use Cover and Concealment

Of course, positioning also applies while scoped:

  • Remain concealed in grass, bushes, or shadows when possible.
  • Only peek out from cover to take shots, then get back into cover.
  • Have an escape plan if your position gets compromised.

These techniques will help you get the drop on enemies and survive at range. Master them along with the weapon fundamentals and you’ll be dropping enemies in no time!