ClickUp Productivity Platform: How to Switch Views and Layouts

Overview of ClickUp

ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity platform that brings teams, tasks, and tools together in one place. It replaces individual workplace productivity tools like project management, documents, spreadsheets, and goals with a single unified platform.

Key features of ClickUp:

  • Task management
  • Project management
  • Document collaboration
  • Spreadsheets
  • Goals & reminders
  • Chat & video conferencing
  • Customizable views & layouts

With ClickUp, you can manage all your work in one place instead of switching between different apps. It is designed to boost productivity for teams of all sizes and industries.

Benefits of Using ClickUp

Here are some of the key benefits of using ClickUp:

  • Increased efficiency – Manage everything in one place instead of multiple apps
  • Enhanced collaboration – Teams can work together more easily on tasks and projects
  • Customizable interface – Tailor ClickUp to match your workflow
  • Flexible views – View tasks in different layouts like list, board, calendar etc.
  • Powerful integrations – Connect other tools you use like Google Drive, Slack etc.
  • Scales with your team – ClickUp works great for small teams up to large enterprises

Switching Views and Layouts in ClickUp

One of the standout features of ClickUp is the ability to customize views and switch layouts to match your workflow. Let’s look at how to change views and layouts in ClickUp.

Accessing Views

To access the different views in ClickUp, go to the Views bar at the top of any list, folder or space.

Views bar

From here, you can switch between task views like List, Board, Calendar, Table and more. Click on any view to switch to it.

Changing Layout Size & Style

You can customize your layout by changing its size and style:

  • Hover over the top right of the sidebar
  • Click the Settings cog icon
  • Select Layout size & style

Layout settings

Here you can pick from different layout sizes (comfortable, compact etc.) and styles (default, dark mode etc.)

Grouping Views

To customize how views are organized in the views bar:

  • Go to Settings > View grouping
  • Choose if you want to group by resource type or custom grouping
  • Arrange views as per your preference

Custom Views

You can create fully customized views in ClickUp as well:

  • Go to the Views drop down menu
  • Select Create new custom view
  • Choose from table, board and other view types
  • Customize columns, groupings etc. as needed

So ClickUp gives you complete flexibility to tailor task views and layouts to your workflow. Experiment with different setups to optimize productivity.

My Experience with ClickUp Views & Layouts

As a project manager, I rely heavily on ClickUp’s customizable views and layouts to manage work efficiently.

My favorite views:

  • List view to break projects down into tasks and subtasks
  • Board view to visualize task status at a glance
  • Table view to track detailed task information
  • Calendar view to schedule tasks and milestones

Layout settings I use:

  • Comfortable size as it balances real estate and readability
  • Default style for a clean, professional look
  • Group views by resource type to easily access different views

The ability to group related tasks, see status visually, schedule work, and track details in one platform is invaluable. I can monitor the progress of multiple projects while still getting into the specifics I need.

The customization also allows me to restructure views as project needs evolve. For example, adding columns in table view to track new metrics or grouping views differently.

With some experimentation to find your perfect setup, ClickUp’s flexibility can take your productivity to the next level!


ClickUp provides exceptional value by consolidating multiple productivity tools into a single customizable platform. The ability to tailor ClickUp to your workflow with customizable views and layouts makes it easy to use for individuals and teams alike.

Switching views allows you to breakdown work in different ways that best suit your needs – from a high level calendar perspective down to task tables with granular details. Changing the layout size and style adapts the interface to your preferences for information density vs readability.

While it may take some trial and error, investing the effort into customizing ClickUp pays dividends by enhancing your productivity, efficiency and transparency across the board. The platform scales seamlessly along with your team and projects over time.

So simplify your work life by consolidating into ClickUp, then take full advantage by tailoring views and layouts to your team’s way of working!