How to View Saved Passwords on Chromebook [3 Methods]

How to View Saved Passwords on Chromebook - How to View Saved Passwords on Chromebook [3 Methods] 3

One of the many conveniences of using a Chromebook is that the Chrome browser automatically saves passwords for websites and accounts you log into, allowing for quick auto-fill the next time you visit those sites.

However, you may sometimes need to directly access these saved passwords to view or update them. Fortunately, Chrome makes it easy to see a list of all your saved passwords.

This article will walk through the steps to view passwords stored in Chrome on a Chromebook, along with some additional tips for managing password security.

How to Access Saved Passwords through the Chrome Browser

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The quickest way to view saved passwords is directly through the Chrome browser on your Chromebook:

  1. Open the Chrome browser. Click on the Chrome icon in your app Launcher or Shelf.
  2. Click on the 3-dot menu button in the top-right corner. This opens Chrome’s settings and options.
  3. Select “Passwords and autofill” from the drop-down menu. This will display the Passwords page.
  4. Click on “Google Password Manager” in the sub-menu. 
  5. View the list of saved passwords. You will see website URLs, username fields, and password fields for accounts Chrome has saved passwords for.
  6. Search for specific passwords using the search bar at the top of the page. For example, search “gmail” to filter just your Gmail login.
  7. Click on the arrow icon next to any password to reveal it. Chrome will ask you to confirm your user account password first.

Using the Passwords settings page in the Chrome browser allows quick access to view and search your saved passwords. You can access this on any Chromebook or device where you are logged into your Chrome browser.

How to Access Passwords through the Google Passwords Website

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In addition to the browser settings, you can view saved Chrome passwords online:

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Log into your Google account if prompted. This will authenticate you to view passwords.
  3. View the list of saved passwords. Just like in the browser settings, you’ll see URLs, usernames, password fields, and the option to reveal passwords.

The benefit of using that you can access saved passwords on any device, not just your Chromebook. For example, you can view Chrome passwords on your phone or a friend’s computer if logged into your Google account.

How to Use Password Checkup for Security

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Chrome can automatically check your saved passwords for security issues like being weak, reused across multiple sites, or compromised in a data breach:

  1. Go to the Passwords settings page in Chrome.
  2. Scroll down and click Check passwords.
  3. The password checkup will immediately scan your saved passwords.
  4. It reports back with any vulnerable passwords found.
  5. Click Change Password to have Chrome automatically navigate to those sites and guide you through updating to a new, strong password.

Periodically running the password checkup ensures your login credentials are safe across all your online accounts. It’s a quick way to improve login security.

Tips for Extra Secure Password Management

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While saving passwords in your browser is convenient, it also comes with some security risks if not managed properly:

  • Never reuse the same password across multiple accounts or websites. If one site gets hacked, it puts all your accounts in jeopardy.
  • Use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to generate and store strong, randomized passwords for each account. This is more secure than relying on browser storage alone.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA) for important logins like email, banking, social media, and work accounts. 2FA requires your password plus a second step like a code sent your phone, ensuring only you can access the account.

Following these best practices reduces the risks associated with saved passwords, keeping your accounts safe even if your Chromebook is lost or stolen.

I hope this guide gives you a better understanding of how to directly access and manage passwords saved by the Chrome browser on your Chromebook.