How to Add Steam Friends to Play VRChat With

  1. Launch VRChat on Steam. Make sure your friend is also logged into VRChat through Steam.
  2. Open the Steam Overlay by pressing “Shift + Tab” while in VRChat.
  3. Click on “Friends” in the overlay. This will show your Steam friends who are online.
  4. Select the friend you want to play with and choose “Join Game.” This will send them an invite to join your VRChat instance.
  5. Once they accept the invite, you will both be in the same VRChat world and instance.
  6. To make finding each other easier, set a spawn point in a world and share the name and instance number with your friend. Have them join that instance, then meet up at the spawn point.
  7. Alternatively, you can meet up in a friend’s world if someone in your group has already created their own world.

The key things to remember are:

  • Both you and your friends need to be logged into VRChat through Steam
  • Use the Steam Overlay (Shift+Tab) to invite Steam friends directly
  • Set spawn points and share instance numbers to make finding each other easier

Let me know if you have any other questions!