How to Block and Restrict a User From Following You on Instagram

Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users. With such a large user base, you are bound to encounter some users whose behavior makes you uncomfortable. Whether it’s unwanted attention, harassment, or just someone you don’t want viewing your profile, Instagram provides tools to block or restrict users.

Difference Between Blocking and Restricting

There are two main options on Instagram for limiting a user’s access to your profile – blocking and restricting:


  • Completely removes their access to your profile and posts
  • They won’t be able to view your profile, posts, or stories
  • Stops them from commenting on your posts or messaging you
  • They won’t get notifications about your activity


  • Limits their access, but doesn’t completely block them
  • They can still view your profile and posts
  • But their comments on your posts need to be approved first
  • You won’t get notifications about their activity
  • Provides more discreet control than completely blocking

When to Block Someone

You may want to block someone if:

  • They are harassing you with unwanted direct messages, comments, etc.
  • You want to completely remove them from interacting with your profile
  • You feel unsafe or threatened by their behavior on or off Instagram

Blocking is the most aggressive approach and sends a clear message you don’t want further contact.

When to Restrict Someone

Restricting is more discreet and can be useful when:

  • You want to limit their visibility into your activity and posting
  • Their comments make you uncomfortable but not to the level requiring a block
  • You have a real-life connection that makes a full block problematic
  • You just want more control over a follower without them knowing

Restricting limits their access while avoiding some awkwardness of a full block.

How to Block Someone on Instagram

Blocking a user on Instagram is straightforward:

  1. Go to their Instagram profile
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “Block” from the menu
  4. Confirm you want to block the user

Once blocked, their username will show in your blocked list. And your profile, posts, and stories will all become inaccessible to them without notification.

How to Unblock Someone on Instagram

If you change your mind later, you can unblock them:

  1. Go to your profile and open the menu
  2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Blocked Accounts
  3. Find the user you want to unblock and tap “Unblock”

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

To restrict a user:

  1. Go to their Instagram profile
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “Restrict” from the menu
  4. Confirm you want to restrict the user

When restricted, you have discretion over whether to approve their comments. And you won’t get notifications about their liking or commenting activity.

How to Unrestrict Someone on Instagram

If you want to remove the restrictions:

  1. Go to your profile and open the menu
  2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Restricted Accounts
  3. Find the user and tap “Unrestrict”

Tips for Handling Unwanted Attention

If you encounter harassment on Instagram, here are some tips:

  • Document Everything: Take screenshots of any harassment and save them. This creates a record you can provide to Instagram if reporting.
  • Report Them: Use Instagram’s built-in reporting tools to report harassment, bullying, and other unwanted behavior.
  • Block and Restrict: Make use of both blocking and restricting to limit harassers’ access to your profile and activity.
  • Review Privacy Settings: Double check your privacy settings to limit visibility of your posts and profile where possible.
  • Seek Support: Tell friends and family about harassment situations to rally their support in reporting.

Handling harassment properly is crucial to maintain your safety and wellbeing on social platforms like Instagram. With the right approach, you can take control over your account and limit any power a harasser attempts to exert over you. The tools are there, so use them.