How to Block Contacts in WhatsApp Messenger

As a social media consultant with over 5 years of experience, I often get asked how to handle unwanted contacts on messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Blocking contacts is usually the best approach to stop receiving messages and calls from someone without having an uncomfortable confrontation.

In this article, I’ll explain in detail how to block and unblock contacts on WhatsApp using Android, iPhone, or desktop.

When Should You Block Someone on WhatsApp

Here are some common reasons you may want to block a contact:

  • You’re getting frequent messages or calls from unknown numbers
  • Someone is harassing or spamming you
  • An ex-partner is contacting you repeatedly
  • You want to take a break from someone for your mental health

Blocking the contact will stop all communication from their side. Their messages and calls simply won’t show up on your phone.

What Happens When You Block Someone on WhatsApp

Here’s exactly what happens when you block a contact:

  • You stop receiving their messages and calls – They could continue messaging you but you won’t see anything
  • They can’t see your online status or last seen – Your privacy settings essentially block them
  • They don’t get notified – WhatsApp doesn’t tell users if they’re blocked
  • It doesn’t remove their contact – You’ll have to delete their contact separately

Essentially, blocking someone cuts off contact and access to your profile from their side.

How to Block a Contact on Android

Blocking a contact on Android takes just a few taps:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the chat for the contact
  2. Tap on their name at the top and select Block
  3. Confirm again by tapping Block

If you want to block multiple contacts in one go:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked
  2. Tap Add and select all the contacts to block them

And that’s it! The contact will be blocked instantly.

How to Block a Contact on iPhone

Similarly, blocking someone on iPhone is very easy:

  1. Open the chat and tap on the contact’s name
  2. Scroll down and tap Block Contact
  3. Confirm again by tapping Block Contact

To block multiple iPhone contacts:

  1. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked > Add New
  2. Select all the contacts you want to block

After following these steps, the contacts will no longer be able to reach you on WhatsApp.

How to Unblock a Contact

If you change your mind later and want to unblock someone:

On Android

  1. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked
  2. Tap on the contact and select Unblock

On iPhone

  1. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked
  2. Tap on the contact and tap Unblock

And that’s it! Unblocking will allow them to contact you again.


I hope this guide helped you learn how to block and unblock contacts seamlessly on WhatsApp. While blocking should be used judiciously, it’s a great option to stop unwanted communication without confrontation.

As a final tip, make sure to report suspicious chats and numbers to WhatsApp directly. This helps improve safety and prevent abuse for all users.

Let me know if you have any other questions!