As an experienced Sims 4 player, I’m excited to share my knowledge on raising and caring for virtual chickens. Chickens make a delightful addition to any Cottage Living game, providing a steady supply of eggs, companionship, and even the occasional attack if you have an evil chicken! Follow these tips and your chickens will thrive on your Sims’ country lot.
Table of Contents
Purchasing and Housing Chickens
The first step is purchasing a chicken coop from Build Mode ($$400). Place it on your lot then click to purchase chickens. You can own up to 8 chickens for $150-200 each. Buy a mix of hens, roosters, and chicks.
Tip: Hens lay eggs so be sure to buy at least one!
Pro Tip: Lock the chicken door open so they can roam. But keep an eye out as they may wander off the lot and get lost!
Caring for Chickens
Clean Coop: A clean coop prevents disease! Clean it daily by clicking the coop and selecting “Clean Coop.” Dispose of the trash after.
Feed Chickens: Click the coop and select “Scatter Feed Nearby” so your Sim spreads food. Do this 1-2 times per day.
Socialize: Chat, pet, and play with your chickens often to increase friendship. High relationships lead to better eggs!
Treats: Purchase or craft treats to change chicken colors, increase lifespan, and more! Read on for details.
Cleaning Chickens
If chickens look dirty, click on them choose “Discuss Preening Methods.” This will clean ruffled feathers right up!
You can also temporarily place smelly chickens in your Sim’s inventory to freshen them.
Tip: If chickens keep getting dirty, fully clean the coop and make sure you dispose of the trash.
Making Money with Chickens
Sell Eggs: Harvest eggs frequently. Price depends on type and quality.
Enter Contests: Win prizes at the Finchwick Fair! Brush up your chicken’s charisma skill first.
Sell Offspring: Incubate and hatch fertilized eggs, then sell chicks for profit.
Using Animal Treats
Feed chickens special treats to change their appearance, boost mood, increase lifespan, and more!
Healthy Treat: Adds days to a chicken’s life
Golden Treat: Turns chicken gold for prized golden eggs
Midnight Treat: Creates an evil chicken that can attack Sims!
Discover all the effects by reviewing the treat list at the Finchwick Fair.
Stopping a Chicken Attack
If an evil chicken starts viciously pecking at your Sim, quickly travel to another lot. The evil chicken will be left behind!
You can also place the chicken in your inventory to instantly calm it.
Final Chicken Care Tips
- Check the coop door is shut at night so foxes don’t eat chickens!
- Play with chicks often so they grow into friendly adult chickens.
- Give a chicken a name to boost your relationship faster.
Follow these tips and your chickens will live a happy, healthy life clucking around your Cottage Living lot! Enjoy all of the eggs, feathers, and fun antics that chickens bring. Just watch out for the occasional evil, attacking chicken if you aren’t careful with treats!