The Sims 4 offers players the ability to start and expand families. Having a baby girl in the game can be rewarding, but the gender is randomly determined at conception. However, there are a few methods players can use to increase the odds of having a daughter.
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Getting Started with Pregnancy
Before trying to influence gender, you first need to have your Sim become pregnant. Here’s what you need to do:
- Make sure your Sim is a young adult, adult or elder. Only these life stages can “Try for Baby.”
- Develop a romantic relationship between your Sim and their prospective partner. They need to reach at least 50-70% romance before the “Try for Baby” option unlocks.
- Select the “Try for Baby” interaction. After completing this, your Sim has a chance of becoming pregnant.
- Take a pregnancy test after 24 hours by selecting the action on any toilet to confirm pregnancy.
Once pregnant, you can now try to influence whether you will have a boy or a girl.
Increasing the Chances of Conceiving a Girl
There are a few natural ways within gameplay to make it more likely for your Sim to have a daughter:
Eat Strawberries
When the pregnant Sim is in her first trimester, have her eat strawberries. These can be found growing wild around the neighbourhood or purchased from the grocery store. Eating 3 at once is recommended to boost the odds.
Listen to Pop Music
In addition to her strawberry-rich diet, set your pregnant Sim to listen to pop music on the stereo during her pregnancy. The combination of strawberries and upbeat tunes helps sway the odds toward having a girl.
Avoid Carrots and Alternative Music
Conversely, eating carrots and listening to alternative music is rumored to increase the chances of having a boy. Avoid these behaviors to not undo your efforts in conceiving a daughter.
While the above methods help tip the scale, there’s no guarantee you’ll get a girl. To ensure the gender of your choice, you’ll need to utilize cheats.
Using Cheats to Choose Gender
Cheats provide the only way to guarantee having a baby girl in The Sims 4. Here are the steps:
- Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console.
- Type in testingcheats true and press enter to activate cheats.
- Have your Sim try for a baby and get pregnant as usual.
- Once pregnant, type in cas.fulleditmode to enter Create-a-Sim.
- In Create-a-Sim, shift-click your pregnant Sim and select “Modify in CAS.”
- Go to the gender selection icons, select female, and exit back into game.
The baby will now be born female thanks to the gender cheat. Repeat as needed in future pregnancies to control the gender every time.
Having Twins or Triplets (Girls)
For players wanting multiple daughters at once, there are a few methods to increase the odds of twin or triplet girls:
- Consume fertility-boosting items like the Elixir of Fertility to make twins and triplets more likely. The elixir can be purchased or crafted if you own the Outdoor Retreat game pack.
- Listen to pop music and eat strawberries while pregnant to boost each baby’s chances of being female.
- Use the Lot Trait “On Ley Line” from City Living before conception. Ley lines make twin and triplet births more common.
- Cheat to force twins/triplets: Enter **pregnancy.force_offspring_count [simID] [#] ** where [simID] is your pregnant Sim’s unique ID and [#] is the number of babies desired.
So try out those steps, and you should be raising adorable twin or triplet girls in no time!
Final Tips
Here are some extra pointers as you try for that coveted baby girl in The Sims 4:
- Adopting a daughter is an instant option if you have room and want to skip pregnancy.
- Have emergency cheats ready in case you do conceive a boy and want to switch the gender.
- Be prepared for the challenge of raising a toddler girl on minimal sleep! But the cuteness makes up for it.
So hopefully now you have all the tools needed to better guarantee a bouncing baby girl (or girls) next time your Sim tries for a baby. Just utilize cheats as needed, and soon you’ll have an adorable daughter brightening up your household. Best of luck as you dive into Sim parenting!