How to Create and Assign a Custom Status in ClickUp Productivity Platform

ClickUp is a powerful productivity platform that allows users to create custom statuses to track the progress of tasks. Custom statuses are extremely useful for visualizing workloads and streamlining workflows.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create and assign custom statuses in ClickUp:

Creating a Custom Status

Follow these steps to create a new custom status:

1. Navigate to the Space, Folder, or List

First, navigate to the Space, Folder, or List where you want to create the custom status. Custom statuses can be created at any of these levels.

2. Open Manage Statuses

Next, open the “Manage Statuses” modal by clicking on the ellipses (…) menu and selecting “Manage Statuses”. This will open up the status editing screen.

3. Click “Add Status”

In the Manage Statuses modal, click the “Add Status” button. This will open up the status creation window.

4. Name The Status

In the status creation window, type a name for your new status. Be descriptive with the naming. For example, name it “In Progress” instead of just “Progress”.

5. Choose a Color

Use the color picker to select a color that represents the status. Colors help visually differentiate task statuses at a glance.

6. Click “Save”

Finally, click the “Save” button once you’ve named and colored the new status. The custom status will now be available for tasks.

Assigning a Custom Status

After creating a custom status, you can start assigning it to tasks:

1. Select a Task

From a list, select the task you want to assign the status to. This can be an existing task or a newly created one.

2. Change the Status

In the task details panel, change the status dropdown menu to the custom status you want to assign.

3. Click “Save Task”

Make sure to click the “Save Task” button after changing the status to apply the change.

The task will now display the custom status, allowing you to track its progress.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices when working with custom statuses in ClickUp:

  • Use clear status names – Be descriptive so anyone can understand a status at a glance
  • Limit the number of statuses – Too many can become confusing. Stick to what’s needed.
  • Color code statuses – Colors allow fast visual recognition of status types
  • Create hierarchy – Organize statuses from “Not Started” to “Complete”
  • Adjust statuses as needed – Don’t be afraid to tweak statuses to match evolving workflows


Creating and assigning custom statuses is easy in ClickUp. Take advantage of them to streamline task tracking, enable better reporting, improve team communication, and boost productivity. Just be sure to follow best practices when implementing them.

With some strategic planning and optimization, custom statuses can help transform ClickUp into a dynamic project management tool tailored to your team’s unique needs.