How to Do Air Dribble Moves and Shots in Rocket League Game

Air dribbling is an advanced mechanic in Rocket League that allows players to launch the ball into the air and maintain control of it while flying. Mastering air dribbles takes time and practice, but can give players a strong offensive advantage. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to do air dribble moves and shots in Rocket League.

Getting Started with Air Dribbles

Before attempting advanced air dribbles, make sure you have the basics down, including:

  • Aerial control and flying
  • Dribbling the ball on the ground
  • Hitting the ball off the wall

Work on control and consistency first in training packs and free play before moving to advanced mechanics.

Important Air Dribble Mechanics

Here are some key mechanics to focus on when learning air dribbles:

  • Matching the ball’s speed – When setting up an air dribble, match the speed of the ball before making contact. If you hit it too fast or slow, it will be difficult to control in the air.
  • First touch – Your first touch off the wall or ground needs to be solid, making good contact in the center of the ball. A weak first touch will lead to a poor dribble.
  • Boost management – Feather your boost rather than holding it down, which gives you more control in the air. Learn to make small adjustments with boost to keep the ball close.
  • Air roll control – Use air roll (especially directional air roll left/right) to orient your car and make adjustments to the ball’s path.

Air Dribble Setups

There are two main types of air dribble setups – off the ground and off the wall.

Ground Air Dribbles

For ground air dribbles:

  • Approach the ball from an offset angle, matching its speed
  • Pop the ball up by flipping into it from underneath
  • Begin aerial control underneath the ball immediately

This quick pop sets up your air dribble. The key is to get underneath it fast and match its speed.

Wall Air Dribbles

Wall air dribbles have a longer setup, but allow for more control:

  • Roll the ball up the wall at an angle
  • Drive up the wall matching the ball’s speed
  • Make first solid touch off the wall to launch the ball
  • Jump off the wall and take control

The advantage of wall air dribbles is it naturally launches the ball into the air for you to follow up.

In-Air Control and Adjustments

Once you have set up your air dribble and are in the air with the ball:

  • Stay close to the ball, matching its speed by feathering boost
  • Make adjustments with boost and air roll to control direction
  • Aim to make solid contact on the nose of your car
  • Redirect the shots towards the net

The key is lots of small adjustments to keep the ball close, rather than big movements that lose control.

Advanced Air Dribble Moves

As you improve, try incorporating advanced moves into your air dribbles:

  • Air drags – Letting the ball drop onto your car’s roof for a controlled, descending shot
  • Double taps – Hitting the ball a second time mid-air for a quick redirect
  • Flip resets – Landing all four wheels on the ball to get your flip back for a power shot
  • Ceiling shots – Carrying from the wall all the way to the ceiling for a downhill shot

Practice reading bounces and making solid contact. Work on timing your hits and using flips and boost effectively during air dribbles.

Custom Training for Air Dribbles

Here are some of the best custom training packs for practicing key air dribble mechanics:

  • Wall Air Dribble Training by Iowa (0FB6-C16F-D26D-0A6F)
  • Ultimate Air Dribble Training (55C9-36FE-613D-7F12)
  • Ground Air Dribble Training (9F6D-4387-4C57-2E4B)
  • Redirect Air Roll Training (3E23-83F9-2F16-7238)

Save these codes and run through them regularly as you improve. Training packs allow you to repeat key scenarios until you build muscle memory.

Tips for Better Air Dribbles

Follow these tips to improve your air dribble execution:

  • Go slower at first, focus on reading bounces and making solid first touches
  • Spend time in free play just setting up air dribbles, don’t always try to score
  • Use air roll and boost together to make slight direction changes
  • Watch high-level player tutorials to learn positioning and technique
  • Practice both off the wall and ground for versatility
  • Work first on control and consistency before power and speed

Remain patient through the learning process. Air dribbling is difficult to master but very rewarding. Training deliberately and slowly building mechanics will pay off with impactful air dribbles in your games.

Using Air Dribbles Effectively

Air dribbles have the highest potential for powerful shots on net. They are extremely useful for:

  • Beating defenders 1v1 off the wall
  • Redirecting the ball mid-air around defenders
  • Creating unpredictable shot angles
  • Faking out the defense by carrying the ball

However, overusing air dribbles can be detrimental:

  • They require large boost commitment
  • Can easily be saved by patient defenders
  • Lead to poor positioning if unsuccessful
  • Take time and focus away from simpler plays

Use air dribbles carefully as surprise offensive moves. Look for moments when defenses are out of position or low on boost.

Setting up an air dribble off the wall while rotating back on defense can also lead to fast counter attack opportunities.

In Summary

Mastering air dribbles in Rocket League combines car control, aerials, ball striking, and positioning into a versatile offensive attack. Focus first on deliberate practice of key mechanics like solid first touches, matching ball speed, feathering boost, and making adjustments mid-air.

Use custom training packs to repeat specific scenarios until they become muscle memory. Go into free play and focus on setting up clean air dribble opportunities rather than always trying to score.

Over time, work on incorporating advanced moves like air drags, double taps, flip resets and ceiling shots. Apply smart and unpredictable air dribbles in your games to beat defenses. But don’t overcommit – make sure to recover quickly if the play falls apart.

With patience and consistent, mindful practice, you will be air dribbling with the best in Rocket League!