How to Easily Connect Bluetooth Headphones to a PS5 for Wireless Audio

Key takeaways:

  • The PS5 supports a wide range of Bluetooth headphones for wireless audio
  • Connecting Bluetooth headphones to your PS5 is a simple process that can be done in a few steps
  • Ensure your headphones are in pairing mode before attempting to connect them to your PS5
  • You can adjust audio settings on your PS5 to optimize your listening experience

The PlayStation 5 (PS5) is a powerful gaming console that offers an immersive gaming experience. One of the best ways to enhance your gaming sessions is by using Bluetooth headphones for wireless audio. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of connecting your Bluetooth headphones to your PS5, so you can enjoy your games without the hassle of wires.


Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to note that not all Bluetooth headphones are compatible with the PS5. The console supports a wide range of Bluetooth headphones, but some may not work due to technical limitations. To ensure compatibility, check your headphones’ specifications or consult the manufacturer’s website.

Putting Your Headphones in Pairing Mode

To connect your Bluetooth headphones to your PS5, you first need to put them in pairing mode. The process may vary depending on your headphones’ brand and model, but generally, you’ll need to press and hold the power button until the LED light starts flashing rapidly. This indicates that your headphones are ready to pair.

Connecting Your Headphones to Your PS5

Once your headphones are in pairing mode, follow these steps to connect them to your PS5:

  1. Turn on your PS5 and navigate to the home screen.
  2. Go to Settings > Accessories > Bluetooth Accessories.
  3. Select “Scan for Accessories” and wait for your PS5 to detect your headphones.
  4. When your headphones appear in the list, select them and wait for the connection to establish.
  5. Once connected, you should hear audio through your headphones.

If your headphones don’t appear in the list, ensure they are still in pairing mode and try scanning again. If the issue persists, try resetting your headphones and repeating the process.

Adjusting Audio Settings

After connecting your Bluetooth headphones to your PS5, you may want to adjust the audio settings to optimize your listening experience. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Settings > Sound > Audio Output.
  2. Select “Output Device” and choose your connected headphones.
  3. Adjust the volume level to your preference.
  4. If your headphones support 3D audio, enable it for an enhanced gaming experience.
Output DeviceChoose your connected Bluetooth headphones
VolumeAdjust the volume level to your preference
3D AudioEnable if your headphones support it for an immersive experience

Tips for Optimal Performance

To ensure the best possible audio experience when using Bluetooth headphones with your PS5, consider the following tips:

  • Keep your headphones charged to avoid unexpected battery drain during gaming sessions.
  • Position yourself within the recommended range of your headphones to maintain a stable connection.
  • If you experience audio lag or dropouts, try moving closer to your PS5 or reducing interference from other devices.
  • Regularly update your PS5 system software and headphones’ firmware for optimal performance and compatibility.

By following these tips, you can enjoy wireless audio on your PS5 without any hassle.


Connecting Bluetooth headphones to your PS5 is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your gaming experience. By ensuring compatibility, putting your headphones in pairing mode, and following the connection steps, you’ll be able to enjoy wireless audio in no time. Don’t forget to adjust your audio settings and follow the tips for optimal performance to get the most out of your setup.


Can I connect any Bluetooth headphones to my PS5?

While the PS5 supports a wide range of Bluetooth headphones, not all models are compatible due to technical limitations. Check your headphones’ specifications or consult the manufacturer’s website to ensure compatibility.

What should I do if my headphones don’t appear in the list of Bluetooth accessories?

If your headphones don’t appear in the list, ensure they are still in pairing mode and try scanning again. If the issue persists, try resetting your headphones and repeating the process.

Can I use my Bluetooth headphones for voice chat on the PS5?

Yes, you can use your Bluetooth headphones for voice chat on the PS5. Simply connect your headphones, and they should work for both game audio and voice chat.

How can I improve the audio quality of my Bluetooth headphones on the PS5?

To improve the audio quality of your Bluetooth headphones on the PS5, ensure you have the latest system software and headphones’ firmware updates installed. Additionally, enable 3D audio if your headphones support it for an immersive experience.

What should I do if I experience audio lag or dropouts while using Bluetooth headphones on my PS5?