How to Enable and Display Member Counts in Discord Servers

Discord is a popular communication platform that allows users to create servers for text, voice, and video chatting. As a server owner, you may want to display the member count to show off how large and active your community is.

Unfortunately, Discord does not have a built-in feature to show total member counts. However, there are a couple easy methods to display this stat using bots or the mobile app.

Why Display Member Counts?

Here are some of the main reasons for showing off your member numbers:

  • Attract New Members: A large member count makes your server look popular, active, and fun. This social proof draws in newcomers.
  • Encourage Invites: Displaying a member goal motivates current members to invite their friends to help hit the next target.
  • Track Growth: Having the member count visible lets you easily monitor the growth of your server over time.
  • Bragging Rights: You’ve put in the hard work to build up a community. Show off those numbers!

Method 1: Use a Member Count Bot

The easiest way to display member counts is by inviting a dedicated Discord bot. Member Count is a simple bot made specifically for this purpose.

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Invite the Bot: Go to the Member Count website and click “Invite” to add the bot to your server.
  2. Configure Visibility: In your Server Settings under Roles, make sure Member Count has permission to view the member list.
  3. Display the Count: The member count should now display in the channel topic or status of your choosing.

The main benefit of using Member Count bot is that it automatically updates in real time as members join and leave. You also get other stats like online user counts.

Method 2: Use the Mobile App

Discord’s mobile app shows member counts by default. So another easy option is to:

  1. Install the Discord mobile app on your iOS or Android device
  2. View your server and see the total number of members listed below the name

Then you can share this number with your desktop users. The downside is that you have to manually check and update the count yourself.

Method 3: Server Settings (Limited Access)

Discord does display total member counts under Server Settings > Overview. However, only admins and mods can view this section.

If you want to provide limited access for mods to see the counts, have them:

  1. Open Discord on a desktop
  2. Go to your Server Settings
  3. Click “Members” in the left sidebar
  4. View the total number listed at the top

Again, this isn’t visible to regular members by default.

Displaying Member Goals

In addition to showing total users, many server owners enable member goals. This lets you set tiered targets for your community to hit.

To add member goals:

  1. Invite the ServerStats bot using the same process above
  2. Set up goals with the bot’s !setup command
  3. Create a #goals text channel

As your goals are hit, the bot will automatically send alert messages into that channel. This helps motivate members to invite more people!

Formatting the Member Count

Use markdown to make your member counts stand out:

  • Bold the number to highlight it
  • Add emoji before or after the count
  • Increase font size to make it prominent

For example:

**500** :partying_face: members!

This markdown will display the number in large, bolded font with a party emoji.

Refreshing Counts

Member counts fluctuate constantly as people join and leave your server. Here are some ways to keep the numbers updated:

  • Use bots like Member Count that automatically update
  • Recheck counts in the mobile app periodically
  • Give trusted roles access to the Server Settings area
  • Automate alerts when milestones are reached

Keeping fresh data ensures your server always puts its best foot forward!

Show Off Your Community!

Displaying accurate member counts lets you highlight your server’s success and growth. Use the methods above to enable counts for mods and members.

Some key tips:

  • Invite bots like Member Count to save time
  • Mobile apps provide easy access to totals
  • Set goals to motivate invites
  • Format numbers using markdown
  • Keep counts updated

Now get out there and show off your community!