How to Make and Use Folders in Google Keep Notes

Google Keep is a popular note-taking app that lets you easily capture ideas, create to-do lists, record voice reminders, and more. With its simple and intuitive interface, Google Keep makes it easy to stay organized.

However, one common complaint about Google Keep is that it doesn’t allow you to create folders to categorize your notes. So how do you organize lots of notes in Google Keep without folders?

Workarounds for Creating Folders in Google Keep

While Google Keep doesn’t have a native folder feature, there are a few workarounds you can use to mimic a folder structure:

Use Labels as Folders

Google Keep has a labeling system that works similarly to folders. To create a label, simply add a hashtag (#) followed by the label name anywhere in your note. For example, adding #work will create a “work” label.

You can apply multiple labels to a single note, allowing you to categorize notes in different ways, just like folders. The labels appear in the left sidebar and you can tap on one to view all notes with that label.

Use Note Titles as Folders

Another option is to create notes with folder names as the titles, then paste items you want in that “folder” in the body of the note. For example, create a note titled “Work Projects” and paste links, task lists, etc related to work projects inside that note.

It’s manual, but lets you group related content together.

Use Color Categories

Apply different color labels to notes to denote different categories visually. For example, mark all work notes yellow and personal notes blue. The color labels make notes stand out at a glance.

Best Practices for Organizing Google Keep

While the workarounds help, here are some best practices for keeping your Google Keep notes neat and organized:

Use Descriptive Note Titles

Write clear, specific note titles that summarize what the note contains. For example, “Website Redesign Tasks” instead of just “Tasks”. This helps identify notes quickly.

Label Extensively

Make liberal use of labels to categorize notes. Labels essentially function as folders in Keep. Try creating labels for topics, projects, contexts like “work”, “personal” etc.

Archive Old Notes

Archive old notes you no longer need. Archived notes are hidden from the main view but still searchable if needed later. This declutters your note stream.

Pin Important Notes

Pin your most important to-do lists and notes to the top of your note stream for quick access. Unpin notes once you no longer need constant access.

Add Reminders to Notes

Use reminders for notes containing tasks and to-dos. Reminders notify you about the note at the chosen time and date.

Color Code Notes

Color code notes by category, priority, or any other system that works for you. Consistent color coding makes notes visually distinct.

Use Nesting Indents

Keep related notes together by nesting notes underneath each other using indents. The parent note functions like a folder.

Search Frequently

Use Keep’s powerful search function often to quickly find notes instead of browsing all of them. Search by text, labels, color labels, etc.

By following these tips, you can organize Google Keep effectively even without an inbuilt folder feature. The workarounds help group related notes together, while the best practices help keep your notes structured and easy to manage.

Implementing even a few of these organization methods can make a big difference in decluttering your note stream. Give them a try to see if Google Keep can now meet your note organization needs!