How to Enable and Use Cheat Commands in Minecraft

Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game that allows players to explore, gather resources, craft tools and structures, and engage in adventure and combat. While playing survival mode can be rewarding, sometimes players want to bend the rules of the game a little bit to make things easier or more exciting. This is where cheat commands come in handy.

As a Minecraft player with over 10 years of experience, I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know to enable and use cheat commands. Whether you’re playing Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, want to change the time of day, teleport across the map, or rain down lightning bolts, this guide has you covered.

Enabling Cheat Commands

The first step to using cheat commands is making sure they are enabled in your Minecraft world. Here’s how to do it for both Java and Bedrock editions:

Java Edition

When creating a new world:

  • On the world creation screen, toggle the Allow Cheats option to ON before creating the world

For an existing world:

  • Open the world to LAN play
  • Enable cheats in the options
  • Restart the world for cheats to be active

Bedrock Edition

When creating a new world:

  • On the world creation screen, toggle Activate Cheats to ON before creating the world

For an existing world:

  • Go to world settings
  • Toggle Activate Cheats to ON
  • Restart the world for cheats to be active

Once cheats are enabled, you’re ready to start using commands.

Accessing the Command Interface

To enter cheat commands in Minecraft, you need to access the command interface. Here’s how:

Java Edition

  • Press T to open the chat window
  • Type a / before commands to indicate they are cheats

For example: /time set day

Bedrock Edition

  • Press / to open the command interface
  • Start typing your command

For example: time set day

Now let’s go over some of the most useful cheat commands available in Minecraft.

Useful Cheat Commands

Here are some of the best Minecraft cheat commands to know:

Change Time of Day

/time set day – Sets time to 1000 game ticks (daytime)
/time set night – Sets time to 13000 game ticks (nighttime)

Change Game Mode

/gamemode creative – Puts you in creative mode
/gamemode survival – Puts you in survival mode
/gamemode adventure – Puts you in adventure mode


/tp x y z – Teleports you to the specified coordinates
/tp playername – Teleports you to the specified player

Spawn Items

/give @p diamond 64 – Gives you 64 diamonds
/give @p golden_apple – Gives you a golden apple

Change Weather

/weather clear – Sets clear weather
/weather rain – Sets rain weather
/weather thunder – Sets thunderstorm weather

Kill Mobs

/kill @e[type=!player] – Kills all mobs except players
/kill @e[type=creeper] – Kills all creepers

Locate Structures

/locate village – Locates the nearest village
/locate fortress – Locates the nearest nether fortress

Tips for Using Cheat Commands

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of using Minecraft cheat commands:

  • Be careful not to overuse cheats as it can remove some gameplay challenge
  • Write down commands that you find useful for quick reference
  • Target specific players or mobs when possible instead of all entities
  • Use cheats to test builds and creations before survival mode
  • Change the time of day to be optimal for different activities
  • Teleport back home when lost or stuck somewhere

While cheat commands can provide shortcuts and conveniences, don’t forget to enjoy the core Minecraft experience of gathering, crafting, building, and exploring. Used properly, these console commands can enhance your gameplay rather than detract from it.


Learning how to enable and use cheat commands opens up many possibilities for customizing and enhancing your Minecraft gameplay. Whether you want to quickly change between survival and creative modes, teleport across vast distances, or manipulate the time and weather, cheat commands have you covered. Mastering these console shortcuts takes your Minecraft experience to the next level.

So give cheat commands a try the next time you play. Just enable cheats when creating or opening a world, access the command interface, and start tinkering to bend Minecraft to your will. Fly around at super speed, spawn stacks of resources to build epic structures, and rain lightning bolts down on your enemies. The possibilities are endless when you embrace the power of Minecraft cheat commands!