How to Find Food in DayZ for Survival

Finding food is critical for survival in DayZ. As a survival game, keeping your hunger and thirst levels up is key to staying alive. There are many ways to find food in DayZ – you just need to know where to look and what methods to use.

Check Your Inventory

When you first spawn, check your inventory. Often you will spawn with a piece of fruit or other food item already on you. Eat whatever food you have right away to get an initial boost of nutrition.

Search Coastal Boats

Boats scattered along the coastlines frequently contain canned food, drinks, and other supplies. Check boats early on for an easy source of food and water. The boats also often have waterproof bags and clothing.

Move Inland

The best chance for finding food is moving inland from the coasts. Head to small towns and villages that other players are less likely to have already looted. Check:

  • Houses
  • Supermarkets
  • Restaurants
  • Industrial buildings

These buildings often contain non-perishable canned and dried foods.

Live Off the Land

You can live entirely off the land by:

  • Hunting animals – Use knives, axes or guns to kill chickens, goats, pigs, cows, deer. Harvest meat and fat.
  • Fishing – Craft a fishing rod and catch fish in lakes and along the coast. Gut and cook the fish.
  • Foraging fruit – Apple trees, pear trees, and berry bushes provide fruit.
  • Picking mushrooms – Mushrooms spawn in forests and fields.

Store Food Properly

  • Store food in your inventory or clothing to slow decay rate.
  • Use cooking pots, water bottles or canteens to hold food and water.
  • Dig up worms and combine with meat to dry meat. Dried meat decays very slowly.

Cook Food

Cooking food preserves it longer and provides more nutrition.

To cook:

  1. Fill cooking pot with water
  2. Place pot on fire or stove
  3. Add food to boil, bake or dry

Tip: Always wash hands before handling food to avoid getting sick.

Farm and Fish

You can get a continuous source of food by farming vegetables and fishing:

  • Till soil with hoe
  • Plant seeds found in packs
  • Use fishing rod and hooks to regularly fish

When you master finding and preparing food in DayZ, it makes the other aspects of survival much easier. Keeping nutrition levels high provides energy to explore, fight zombies, and gear up. Use these tips to turn finding food from a frustration to just another part of thriving in DayZ.