How to Find the Real Page Numbers in a Kindle Ebook File

  • Kindle ebooks often display location numbers instead of real page numbers by default
  • To view page numbers, you need to enable a specific setting on your Kindle device or app
  • Not all ebooks have real page numbers available, as it depends on the publisher

Locating real page numbers in a Kindle ebook can be tricky, as Amazon’s e-readers and apps prioritize a location-based system for tracking reading progress. However, with a few simple steps, you can enable the display of actual page numbers corresponding to the print edition of the book. This guide will walk you through the process on various Kindle platforms.

Enabling Page Numbers on Kindle E-Readers

To view page numbers on a Kindle e-reader device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the book you want to read.
  2. Tap the top part of the screen to reveal the toolbar.
  3. Select the “Aa” icon (for font and layout settings).
  4. Tap “More” and then choose “Reading Progress.”
  5. Select the “Page in Book” option.

If the “Page in Book” option is grayed out or unavailable, it means the publisher has not provided page numbers for that particular ebook.

Once enabled, the page number will be displayed in the bottom-left corner of the reading screen, replacing the default location number.

Enabling Page Numbers in the Kindle App

The process is similar for the Kindle app on smartphones, tablets, and computers:

  1. Open the book in the Kindle app.
  2. Tap the center of the screen to reveal the toolbar.
  3. Select the “Aa” icon (for font and layout settings).
  4. Tap “More” and then choose “Reading Progress.”
  5. Select the “Page in Book” option.

Again, if this option is unavailable, the ebook does not have page numbers embedded by the publisher.

Why Don’t All Ebooks Have Page Numbers?

The availability of page numbers in a Kindle ebook depends on whether the publisher has included them during the book’s conversion process. Publishers have the option to map the ebook’s content to a specific print edition, allowing for accurate page number display.

If a book’s Amazon product page lists a “Print Length” under its details, it typically means that page numbers will be available in the Kindle version. However, this is not a guarantee, as some publishers may choose not to include page numbers or may use different print editions as a reference.

Advantages of Page Numbers

While the location-based system works well for tracking progress within a single ebook, page numbers offer several advantages:

  • Easier citation: When writing reports or papers, citing specific pages from a book is much more straightforward than using location numbers.
  • Consistent reference: Page numbers allow for consistent referencing across different editions and formats of the same book, making it easier to discuss specific passages with others.
  • Familiarity: Many readers are accustomed to using page numbers as a reference point, making the transition to ebooks smoother.

Limitations of Page Numbers in Ebooks

It’s important to note that even when page numbers are available, they may not perfectly align with the print edition due to factors such as font size, margin settings, and device screen size. Additionally, some ebooks may have multiple print editions mapped, leading to potential discrepancies in page numbering.


Why doesn’t my Kindle book have real page numbers?

The availability of page numbers in a Kindle book depends on whether the publisher has included them during the conversion process. If the book’s Amazon product page does not list a “Print Length,” it likely means that page numbers are not available for that particular ebook.

Which Kindle devices and apps support page numbers?

All modern Kindle devices and apps support the display of page numbers, provided that the publisher has included them in the ebook file. This feature has been available since the Kindle firmware version 3.1.

Can I convert an ebook to display page numbers?

Unfortunately, there is no reliable way for users to add or convert page numbers in a Kindle ebook file themselves. This information must be included by the publisher during the conversion process.

How do I cite a Kindle ebook with page numbers?

When citing a Kindle ebook with page numbers, you can use the standard book citation format and include the page numbers as you would for a print book. For example: (Author’s Last Name, Year, p. XX).

What if my Kindle book doesn’t have page numbers?

If your Kindle book does not have page numbers available, you can cite using the location number instead. However, it’s generally recommended to use chapter or section numbers, if available, as they provide a more consistent reference across different devices and formats.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily enable the display of real page numbers in your Kindle ebooks, making it easier to reference specific passages and maintain consistency with print editions. However, keep in mind that not all ebooks have this feature available, and page numbers may not always perfectly align with their print counterparts.