How to Insert and Format Checkbox Lists in Smartsheet Documents

Why Use Checkboxes in Smartsheet

Checkboxes are a useful feature in Smartsheet that allow you to:

  • Track tasks and to-do lists
  • Mark items as complete or incomplete
  • Visually organize information
  • Filter and sort items easily

Some examples of how checkboxes can be used in Smartsheet:

  • Project management – Track project tasks and status
  • Issue tracking – Mark bugs/issues as open or closed
  • Event planning – RSVP status, dietary restrictions, etc.
  • Inventory – Denote items in stock or out of stock

Using checkboxes improves organization and efficiency when managing data in Smartsheet.

How to Insert a Checkbox Column

Adding a checkbox column in Smartsheet is simple:

  1. Open the Smartsheet document
  2. Click the “+” icon at the top left corner
  3. Select “Checkbox Column” from the dropdown menu
  4. Name the new column

The checkbox column will now be inserted into your sheet.

You can also insert a checkbox column by:

  • Right clicking on any column header
  • Selecting “Insert Column”
  • Choosing “Checkbox” column type

Formatting Checkboxes

Smartsheet provides several formatting options to customize the appearance of checkboxes:

Change Checkbox Style

To modify the style of checkboxes:

  1. Click on the checkbox column header
  2. Select “Column Settings”
  3. Choose from square, circle, check, or cross icons
  4. Pick a color

You can set checked and unchecked states to be different colors for clarity.

Conditional Formatting

Use conditional formatting to change checkbox formats based on rules:


  • Highlight rows in red for incomplete tasks
  • Show a warning icon for items past due
  • Mark completed items green

This allows you to visually track items by status.

Bulk Update Checkboxes

Easily check or uncheck multiple boxes at once rather than editing individually:

  1. Select the checkbox cells to update
  2. Right click and choose “Check” or “Uncheck”

Useful for marking all items as complete or incomplete.

Adding Descriptions and Labels

Checkboxes themselves only denote checked/unchecked states. To add context:

  • Insert a column beside the checkboxes
  • Input your descriptions, labels, categories etc.

This provides details on what each checkbox is tracking.

You can also customize the default unchecked/checked text shown beside checkboxes under the column settings.

Examples and Use Cases

Here are some examples of using checkboxes in Smartsheet:

Task Management


  • Task Name
  • Assigned To
  • Checkbox column for completion status

Checkboxes allow you to instantly see outstanding tasks.

Event RSVPs


  • Name
  • Email
  • Attending (checkbox column)
  • + Additional option checkboxes like Dietary Restrictions

Easily track who is attending and any special accommodations.

Reporting Issues


  • Title
  • Description
  • Browser + Version
  • Status (checkbox column)

Checkboxes can denote open and closed issues.

The options are endless. Some other examples:

  • Inventories
  • Surveys
  • Job Applications
  • Guest Lists
  • and much more!

Checkboxes are a versatile feature that can help organize all kinds of data tracking and project management in Smartsheet.

Tips for Using Checkboxes Effectively

Follow these tips for getting the most out of checkboxes:

  • Add descriptors – Don’t just rely on checked/unchecked. Add context.
  • Take advantage of formatting – Customize appearance for clarity.
  • Use conditional formatting – Highlight cells based on rules.
  • Sort and filter – Reorder and segment checkbox data.
  • Bulk update – Check/uncheck multiple cells easily.
  • Use workflows – Trigger actions when checkboxes are toggled.


Adding and formatting checkbox columns is a simple yet powerful way to manage information in Smartsheet:

  • Insert checkbox columns easily
  • Customize formatting for clarity
  • Set conditional formatting rules
  • Bulk check/uncheck cells
  • Use alongside other columns like labels and descriptions

Checkboxes allow you to track status, completion, preferences, issues, and more. Implement them into your Smartsheet documents to improve organization and efficiency.

Let me know if you have any other questions!