How to Invite and Add a New User in ClickUp Platform


ClickUp is a powerful project management and collaboration platform that allows teams to manage all their work in one place. As the admin of a ClickUp workspace, you can invite new users and assign them roles to control what they can access and edit.

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to invite and add new users in ClickUp.


Before inviting new users, make sure you have:

  • An active ClickUp account
  • Admin access to the workspace you want to invite users to
  • The email addresses of the users you want to invite

Types of Users in ClickUp

There are three main types of users you can invite in ClickUp:


Members are internal users who are part of your organization. They have full access to the workspace based on their assigned permission level.


Guests are external users you invite to collaborate on specific items. Their access is limited only to what you share with them.


Admins have full access and control over the ClickUp workspace. They can manage users, permissions, settings etc.

How to Invite New Users

Follow these simple steps to invite new members and guests to your ClickUp workspace:

1. Navigate to the People Section

Click on your profile picture on the bottom left and select “Manage Users” under your workspace name. This takes you to the People section.

2. Click the Invite Button

On the top right, click the “Invite” button to invite a new user.

3. Select User Type

Choose whether you want to invite a Member or a Guest.

4. Enter Email Address

For Members, enter the email address of the user you want to invite.

For Guests, enter the email address and also select the specific folders, lists or tasks you want them to access.

5. Assign User Permissions

ClickUp has granular permissions settings that allow you to control precisely what a user can access or edit.

For Members, you can choose one of the default roles or create a Custom Role.

For Guests, select the access level from the available options.

6. Send Invite

Once done, click “Invite” and an invitation will be sent to the user’s email.

That’s it! The user will receive an email asking them to join your ClickUp workspace.

Permissions and Roles

ClickUp has a permissions system that allows you to control what users can access and edit in your workspace.

There are three ways to assign permissions:

1. Default Roles

ClickUp has three default roles:

  • Admin – Has full access and control over everything in the workspace
  • Member – Has access based on permissions set by Admin
  • Guest – Has limited access to only what is shared with them

2. Custom Roles

Admins can create Custom Roles with advanced permissions tailored to specific needs. For example, you can create a “Read-Only” role that only allows viewing content.

3. Guest Access

Admins can control what Guests can view or edit by setting their access level to View/Comment/Edit/Full.

How to Add a New User

If you are using Gmail, Office 365 or Google authentication for signups, users you invite can instantly join your workspace by signing in with their work email.

However, for regular email signups, admins need to manually add and approve each new member.

Here is how you can add and approve new users:

1. Go to Requests Section

Click your profile picture and go to “Access Requests” under the workspace name.

2. Click Approve

Review the request and click “Approve” to add user.

3. Assign Role and Permissions

Select an appropriate role for the user and customize their permissions if needed.

And that’s it! The user will receive an email once approved and can start accessing your ClickUp workspace.

Best Practices

Here are some tips to manage users effectively:

  • Only invite users who need access for work purposes
  • Use guest accounts for external collaborators
  • Start members in default roles, then customize as needed
  • Review permissions regularly and update as roles change
  • Remove departed users promptly to maintain security


User not receiving invite – Check spam folder or resend invite. Also try manually adding the user through their email.

User can’t sign in – Make sure they are using the right email. Ask them to use password recovery option.

User has access issues – Check their role and permissions. Customize if needed.

Need to remove a user – Admins can remove members anytime. Guests can be removed by unsharing content.


Inviting new users is easy in ClickUp. The platform provides incredible flexibility through customizable roles and permissions to control each user’s access.

Start by inviting your team members using their work emails. Assign them default roles then refine permissions for specific needs.

Over time, continue adding and removing users as your organization evolves. Use ClickUp’s robust features to ensure the right people have the right access at all times.

With the steps outlined in this guide, you can swiftly get new hires onboarded and productive by granting them access to relevant projects in your ClickUp workspace.