How to Make an Image’s Corners Rounded in Google Slides Presentations

Key Takeaways

  • Google Slides allows you to easily round the corners of images by using the “Mask Image” feature
  • You can choose from various preset shapes like circles, rounded rectangles, or custom polygons to mask your images
  • Rounding image corners can give your slides a modern, sleek look and improve the visual appeal of your presentations

As a professional writer and Google Slides expert with over 5 years of experience, I understand the importance of creating visually appealing and engaging presentations. One simple yet effective technique to enhance the aesthetics of your slides is to round the corners of your images. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of rounding image corners in Google Slides.

Why Round Image Corners?

Rounding the corners of images can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your slides. It adds a touch of sophistication and modernity, making your presentations appear more polished and visually appealing. Additionally, rounded corners can help draw the viewer’s attention to the image itself, as the soft edges create a subtle yet eye-catching contrast with the rest of the slide content.

Step-by-Step Guide to Rounding Image Corners in Google Slides

Google Slides provides a straightforward and user-friendly way to round the corners of your images. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Insert the Image: Start by inserting the image you want to round the corners of onto your slide. You can do this by going to the “Insert” menu and selecting “Image” or by simply dragging and dropping the image file onto the slide.
  2. Select the Image: Once the image is on the slide, click on it to select it.
  3. Access the “Mask Image” Feature: In the toolbar at the top of the screen, you will see a “Mask Image” option with a dropdown arrow next to it. Click on the dropdown arrow to reveal the various mask shapes available.
  4. Choose the Desired Mask Shape: Google Slides offers a variety of mask shapes, including circles, rounded rectangles, and custom polygons. Hover over the different shapes to preview how they will look on your image. When you find the desired shape, click on it to apply the mask.
  5. Adjust the Mask Size and Position: After applying the mask, you can adjust its size and position by clicking and dragging the yellow diamond-shaped handles that appear around the masked image. This allows you to fine-tune the rounded corners to your liking.
  6. Repeat for Additional Images: If you have multiple images on the same slide that you want to round the corners of, simply repeat the above steps for each image.

Tips and Tricks

  • Experiment with Different Mask Shapes: Don’t be afraid to try out various mask shapes to find the one that best complements your image and overall slide design. The rounded rectangle and circle shapes are popular choices for rounding corners, but you can also get creative with custom polygons.
  • Maintain Consistency: For a cohesive and professional look, try to maintain consistency in the mask shapes and corner rounding styles you use throughout your presentation.
  • Consider the Image Content: When rounding image corners, take into account the content of the image itself. Some images may look better with sharper corners, while others may benefit from softer, more rounded edges.
  • Use Rounding Sparingly: While rounded corners can enhance the visual appeal of your slides, be careful not to overdo it. Too many rounded elements can make your presentation look cluttered or disorganized.

By following these simple steps and tips, you can easily round the corners of your images in Google Slides, giving your presentations a modern and polished look that is sure to impress your audience.