How to Manage Friends in WeChat: Blocking and Deleting

WeChat has become one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, with over 1 billion monthly active users. As your network grows, you may find the need to manage your contacts by blocking or deleting some friends. Here are some best practices on how to effectively manage your friends list on WeChat.

Adding Friends

The first step is adding friends in WeChat. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Search by phone number or WeChat ID: You can search for someone by entering their phone number or WeChat ID. This will send them a friend request.
  • QR code: Every user has a unique QR code that others can scan to send a friend request. Go to “Me” > “QR Code” to find yours.
  • Shake: Go to “Discover” > “Shake”, and you will be matched randomly with another WeChat user to become friends.
  • Nearby People: Under “Discover”, you can see WeChat users that are physically close to you and send them friend requests.

Blocking Friends

If someone is bothering you in WeChat, you can block them to avoid receiving any messages, calls or files from their account. Here’s how to block a friend:

  1. Open their profile page
  2. Tap the “…” icon in the top right
  3. Select “Block”

Once blocked, they won’t be notified. To unblock them later, go to “Me” > “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Blocked List”.

Deleting Friends

If you want to permanently remove a friend from your WeChat contacts, you can delete them:

  1. Open their profile page
  2. Tap the “…” icon in the top right
  3. Choose “Delete”

Note: Deleting a contact also removes your chat history with them. There is no way to recover a deleted friend.

Creating Friend Groups

To better organize your contacts, use WeChat’s group feature.

  1. Go to “Contacts”
  2. Tap “Groups”
  3. Tap the “+” icon to make a new group
  4. Choose contacts to add to the group

Give the group a name, like “Family”, “Coworkers”, “Classmates”, etc.

Friend Confirmations

Enabling friend confirmation adds an extra layer of security, requiring your approval for all new friend requests.

  1. Go to “Me” > “Settings” > “Privacy”
  2. Turn on “Friend Confirmation”

With this setting, friends can only see your profile and moments after you’ve confirmed them.

Verifying Friends

WeChat now allows verifying your friends to confirm their real-life identity.

  1. Go to their profile
  2. Tap the “…” button
  3. Choose “Verify”
  4. Follow the prompts to verify them

Once successfully verified, a “Verified” tag will appear on their profile.


Effectively managing your contacts allows you to create a positive experience in WeChat. Group friends into different circles, block bothersome accounts, verify friends you personally know, and delete contacts permanently when needed. Following these best practices will ensure you get the most out of WeChat’s messaging and social features.