How to Post and Run Public Opinion Polls on Facebook Platform

Facebook Polls are a great way to get quick feedback and spark discussion with your audience. With a few simple steps, you can create and share an informal poll to gauge people’s opinions. This guide will walk you through the process.

Prerequisites for Creating a Poll

Before creating a poll, make sure:

  • You have an active Facebook Page for your brand, business, organization or as an individual.
  • Your Page has accumulated some followers. More followers means more poll responses.
  • You use Facebook Pages Manager app on desktop or mobile to access polling options.

Step-by-Step Guide to Post a Poll

Follow these steps to create and share a poll post:

1. Access Facebook Pages Manager

2. Go to Your Page

  • On the left sidebar, click on your Page.
  • This will take you to your Page’s dashboard.

3. Create a Poll Post

  • At the top, click Create Post.
  • In the text box, type your poll question. Be specific and concise.
  • Below the text box, click on Poll option.
  • Enter upto 6 poll answer options.
  • You can allow multiple choice by toggling on the option.
  • Customize when your poll should close.
  • Click Preview to see how your poll will look.

4. Publish the Poll Post

  • If you’re happy with the preview, click Publish.
  • Your poll post will go live and people can start voting instantly.

Promote Your Poll Post

To get maximum responses:

  • Share the poll post on your Profile and in relevant Facebook Groups.
  • Run it as a Facebook Ad to reach more voters.
  • Pin it to the top of your Page for increased visibility.

Analyze Poll Results

As people start voting, you can view real-time results:

  • Go to your Page and find the poll post.
  • Click on the total Votes count below the options.
  • This will show vote percentage and count per option.
  • You can also download the results as a CSV file.

Best Practices for Facebook Polls

To create successful polls that provide useful insights, keep in mind:

  • Ask an intriguing question – Spark curiosity and get more engagement.
  • Keep it short – Long questions can confuse.
  • Offer limited choices – Too many options lead to scattered votes.
  • Check for understanding – Avoid vague questions or terms.
  • Be impartial – Don’t lead people to vote a certain way.
  • Give context when needed – Give background to inform voters.

Other Poll Types on Facebook

In addition to native polls, Facebook offers more advanced polls through third-party apps like SurveyMonkey and Typeform.

These polls provide options like:

  • Longer, more detailed questions
  • Images and videos in polls
  • Advanced logic and branching
  • Quotas and targeted screening
  • Custom design and branding
  • Export results to Excel

So if you need to run more complex polls, research polling apps that integrate with Facebook.