How To Post and Share Live Action Photos on Instagram Feed

Live photos on Instagram can bring your posts to life and capture unique moments to share with your followers. While Instagram doesn’t natively support posting live photos to your feed, there are a few easy workarounds. In this guide, I’ll share my experience and expertise on the best practices for posting live action photos on Instagram.

Convert Live Photos to Video

The easiest way to post a live photo is to convert it to video first. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Photos app and select the live photo you want to post.
  2. Swipe up on the photo to reveal the options, then tap “Save as Video”. This will save a video version to your camera roll.
  3. Open the Instagram app and create a new post. Select the video option and choose the converted live video from your camera roll.
  4. Customize the video with filters and trim if needed. Add your caption and post!

The benefit of this method is it lets you post the full live photo, rather than just a short boomerang-style clip. The only catch is Instagram requires videos to be at least 3 seconds long, so if your live photo is shorter than that, it won’t work.

Post as a Boomerang

If your live photo is under 3 seconds, posting it as a Boomerang story is a simple workaround:

  1. In the Instagram app, swipe right to open the stories camera.
  2. Select the live photo from your camera roll. Hold down on the photo until the Boomerang icon appears.
  3. Trim the start and end points if needed. Add stickers or text.
  4. Share it to your story. You can also save it and upload it as a regular post.

Boomerangs only capture a short 1-second loop, so keep that in mind. The quality may also be lower compared to a full video. But it’s a quick and easy way to share short live moments without any extra conversion steps.

Use Third-Party Apps

Alternatively, third party apps like Lively, Motion Stills, or IntoLive can convert live photos to video, GIFs, or loops. Then you can upload those creations directly into Instagram.

Some of the possibilities include:

  • Convert to MP4 or MOV video
  • Create a seamless video loop
  • Export as an animated GIF
  • Add text, stickers, filters

Test out a few apps to see which one offers the features you want. Just make sure to save and upload the converted live photo within the constraints of Instagram’s requirements.

Post to Your Instagram Story

As mentioned earlier, Instagram Stories are a great place to share live photos through Boomerangs or quick video clips. The casual nature of Stories makes them ideal for showcasing fun live moments.

To post a live photo on Stories:

  1. Capture or select your Live Photo
  2. Access the Stories camera in the Instagram app
  3. Hold down on the photo until the Boomerang icon pops up
  4. Customize the clip and post to your story!

Stories only last 24 hours before disappearing, so keep that in mind. You can also save live story posts to re-share later on your profile.

Write an Engaging Caption

No matter which format you use to share your live photos, a compelling Instagram caption can go a long way. Write a caption that captures the moment and draws viewers into the experience.

Some caption tips:

  • Describe the moment and why it’s meaningful
  • Ask a thoughtful question to spark engagement
  • Use relevant hashtags so others can discover it
  • Tag any friends, brands, or locations featured
  • Set a playful tone consistent with the photo

Keep captions concise, personal, and evocative. Let the caption enhance the lively photo without overshadowing it.

Analyze Performance

Always take note of how your live posts perform compared to standard photo posts. Check back on the engagement and reach metrics. See which types of live photos resonate best with your audience.

Some key metrics to analyze:

  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Saves
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Shares

Compare the view duration for your live videos as well. This data will reveal viewer behavior and help refine your approach.

Experiment with different live photo content, formats, captions, and more. See what your Instagram followers respond to positively. Then evolve your strategy accordingly.

Use Instagram Live Photos for More Authentic Content

At the end of the day, Instagram users crave authenticity and realness from the accounts they follow. Live photos provide a way to showcase unfiltered, in-the-moment visual content. Take advantage of that opportunity by incorporating more live action shots that feel organic and spontaneous.

Let the live photos capture personalities, behind-the-scenes moments, events, products in action, and more. Think beyond posed photos to share visual stories.

Keep the above tips in mind when posting live content to ensure the posts abide by Instagram requirements. But have fun with the creative possibilities!


Posting live action Instagram photos takes a few extra steps but delivers a engaging viewing experience. By converting live photos to video or Boomerangs, using third-party editing apps, or sharing Stories, you can breathe life into your Instagram feed.

Remember to analyze the performance of your live posts, write compelling captions, and continue experimenting with authentic content. When in doubt, ask your followers what types of live photo content excites them the most or prompts engagement.

As you master live photo posting, you’ll discover new ways to capture attention and connect with your audience on a deeper level. The end result is a more dynamic and vibrant Instagram profile!