How to Resolve the 4-Blink Error Code on Sony TVs

Key takeaways:

  • The 4-blink error code on Sony TVs indicates a hardware issue, usually with the power supply board or LED backlight.
  • Soft resetting the TV by unplugging it for a few minutes can sometimes resolve the issue.
  • If soft resetting doesn’t work, the TV likely needs a repair or replacement of the faulty component.
  • Attempting repairs yourself can void the warranty, so it’s best to contact Sony support or a professional repair service.

If your Sony TV is blinking a red light 4 times, it’s trying to tell you something is wrong. This 4-blink error code is a built-in diagnostic that indicates a hardware problem, most commonly an issue with the power supply board or LED backlight system. While this can be frustrating, there are some troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve the issue before resorting to professional repair.

Understanding the 4-Blink Error Code

When a Sony TV blinks a red light 4 times, it’s a sign of a hardware malfunction. The exact cause can vary depending on the TV model, but it’s usually related to one of these components:

  • Power supply board
  • LED driver (backlight)
  • Mainboard

In some cases, the issue may be due to a faulty cable connection or other external factor. But more often, it indicates an internal hardware problem that will require repair or replacement of the affected part.

Troubleshooting Steps to Try

Before you call in a professional or start ordering replacement parts, there are a few basic troubleshooting steps worth trying:

  1. Soft reset the TV. Unplug the TV from power and press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Keep the TV unplugged for at least 2 minutes before plugging it back in and trying to power on again. This can sometimes clear a temporary glitch.
  2. Check all external connections. Make sure all cables are securely plugged in, including the power cord, HDMI cables, coaxial, etc. Try a different outlet to rule out any issues with the power source.
  3. Look for signs of overheating. If the TV has inadequate ventilation, it may overheat and trigger a shutdown. Make sure nothing is blocking the vents, and consider adding some extra space around the unit.
  4. Factory reset the TV. If you’re able to access the settings menu, try performing a factory reset. This will erase all your custom settings but can resolve certain software-related issues.

If none of these steps are successful, the 4-blink code is probably being caused by a hardware failure that will need more extensive diagnosis and repair.

Repair Options for a 4-Blink Error Code

Once you’ve determined your Sony TV has a hardware issue, you have a few main options for resolving it:

  1. Contact Sony support. If your TV is still under warranty, reaching out to Sony is likely your best bet. They can walk you through additional troubleshooting or set up a repair/replacement.
  2. Hire a local repair shop. An electronics repair shop that specializes in TVs may be able to diagnose and fix the issue, especially if it’s a simple matter of replacing the power board. This can be a cost-effective solution for an older TV out of warranty.
  3. Attempt a DIY repair. If you’re tech-savvy and willing to take on some risk, you could try to repair the TV yourself. This involves opening up the TV, testing components, and ordering and installing replacement parts. However, this will likely void any remaining warranty and could cause further damage if done incorrectly.

In some cases, the cost of repair may come close to the price of simply buying a new TV, especially for an older model. It’s worth weighing the age and value of your TV against the estimates for parts and labor.

Preventing Future Issues

While some hardware failures are simply due to wear and tear over time, there are a few best practices that can help minimize stress on your TV components:

  • Ensure proper ventilation. Make sure your TV has a few inches of open space on all sides and that nothing is blocking the vents. Consider adding a fan if the TV is in an enclosed space.
  • Use a surge protector. Plugging your TV and other electronics into a quality surge protector can safeguard against damage from power spikes and lightning strikes.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures. Try not to place your TV in direct sunlight or near a heat source like a radiator or fireplace. Similarly, avoid very cold environments.
  • Handle with care. Be gentle when plugging in cables, and avoid excess pushing or putting weight on the TV. Use a wall mount if possible to minimize stress.

By taking good care of your TV and addressing any error codes promptly, you can extend its lifespan and avoid costly repairs down the line.


What does the 4-blink error code mean on a Sony TV?

The 4-blink error code indicates a hardware issue, most commonly with the power supply board or LED backlight. It’s an automatic diagnostic code triggered by a detected malfunction.

Can I fix a 4-blink error code myself?

Possibly, but it’s risky. Attempting repairs yourself can void the warranty and potentially cause further damage. It’s generally best to contact Sony support or a professional repair service.

How much does it cost to repair a TV with a 4-blink error code?

The cost can vary widely depending on the specific issue, the TV model, and the repair provider. Replacing a power supply board may cost $100-300, while more extensive repairs could exceed the value of the TV. It’s best to get a few estimates before deciding on repair vs. replacement.

Is it worth repairing a TV with a 4-blink error code?

It depends on the age and value of your TV relative to the estimated repair costs. For a newer, high-end TV, a $200 repair may be worthwhile. But for a budget TV near the end of its lifespan, it may make more sense to put that money towards a new model.

How can I avoid getting a 4-blink error code on my Sony TV?

While some hardware issues are inevitable with age, you can minimize the risk by ensuring your TV has proper ventilation, using a surge protector, keeping it away from extreme temperatures, and handling it gently. Regular dusting and cleaning can also help prevent overheating and component stress.