How to Send and Compose Messages on Dating App Match

Sending messages and starting conversations is a key part of using any dating app, including Match. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to send effective messages, have engaging conversations, and make meaningful connections on Match.

Setting Up Your Profile

Before you start messaging matches, make sure your dating profile is complete and portrays you in the best possible light. Your profile is your first impression, so take the time to choose flattering photos, write an intriguing bio, and provide details about your interests and what you’re looking for in a partner. Highlight your unique qualities to grab people’s attention.

Finding Matches

Use Match’s search filters to find people you’d be interested in getting to know. Look beyond superficial traits and focus on shared values, compatible personalities, and relationship goals. Don’t limit yourself too much with overly specific filters. Give more people a chance by keeping an open mind.

Crafting Your First Message

Be personal: Mention something specific from their profile so they know you took the time to get to know them. Ask engaging questions about their interests to kickstart conversation.

Keep it short: Get straight to the point with a brief but thoughtful message. Two or three sentences is plenty to make an impression and show you’re genuinely interested.

Mind your manners: Be polite and respectful, even if you don’t get a response. Everyone appreciates kindness.

Proofread carefully: Double check for typos and grammatical errors so you put your best foot forward.

Having Meaningful Conversations

Ask open-ended questions: Get to know them by asking about their passions, goals, values and experiences. Listen closely instead of just waiting for your turn to talk.

Find common ground: Look for shared interests, opinions and senses of humor that you can bond over. Mutual understanding builds intimacy.

Be positive: Keep things upbeat by focusing on the good in yourself, your match and the world around you. Positivity and optimism are contagious.

Know when to move on: If you don’t sense any chemistry after a few exchanges, politely decline further conversation and move on to more compatible matches. Not every match will be “the one”, and that’s okay.

Moving From Messaging to Meeting

Once you’ve established some rapport through messaging, suggest meeting in person for a casual first date like getting coffee or drinks. Exchanging phone numbers first can help facilitate this. Make concrete plans for a set time and place to finally take that exciting step from online to offline!

Following Up After the First Date

If you both had a good time and want to meet again, send them a message the next day checking in and letting them know you’d like to see them again soon. Respond promptly if they reach out first. Radio silence after an enjoyable first date is confusing and off-putting.

Stay positive and polite in all your communications, treat every match with kindness and respect, proofread your messages before sending them and you’ll be well on your way to dating success!