How to Send and Receive Faxes Directly from Gmail Inbox

Sending and receiving faxes directly from your Gmail inbox is possible with the help of online fax services. These services provide you with a virtual fax number that allows you to send and receive faxes as email attachments in your Gmail account.

Benefits of Faxing from Gmail

Faxing from Gmail offers several benefits:

  • Convenience – No need for a physical fax machine. Send and receive faxes anywhere from your phone, tablet or computer using just your Gmail account.
  • Cost savings – Avoid costs associated with a fax machine such as paper, ink, toner, etc. Online fax services have affordable monthly plans.
  • Security – Faxes are encrypted by the online fax service to protect sensitive information.
  • Accessibility – Receive fax notifications instantly and access faxes anytime from your Gmail inbox.
  • Eco-friendly – Paperless faxing is environmentally friendly.

How to Send Faxes from Gmail

Sending faxes via Gmail is a straightforward process:

Step 1: Sign up for an online fax service

Popular services like eFax, Fax.Plus and CocoFax allow you to send and receive faxes as email attachments. Sign up to register your account.

Step 2: Compose fax email

Open your Gmail inbox, click Compose and enter the recipient’s fax number in the To field in the format:

Country code + Area code + Fax number + @faxserviceaddress

For example: [email protected]

Step 3: Attach document

Attach the file you wish to fax from your computer. Supported file types include PDF, Word, JPG, etc.

Step 4: Add subject and body

Add a subject line and optional body text for your fax email.

Step 5: Send fax email

Once your fax email is composed with the necessary recipient address, document attachment and details, click Send. The online fax service will convert your email into a fax and send it to the destination fax number.

How to Receive Faxes in Gmail

Receiving faxes in your Gmail inbox is equally simple:

Step 1: Get a virtual fax number

When signing up with an online fax service, you will get a virtual fax number. This number can be toll-free or local.

Step 2: Share fax number

Provide this fax number to anyone needing to send you faxes.

Step 3: Get fax notifications

When someone sends a fax to your virtual number, you will get email notifications in Gmail about the received fax.

Step 4: View faxes in Gmail

Open the notification email and the attached fax document (.PDF, .JPG, etc.) will open. The faxes are also saved in your account dashboard on the service’s website.

Top Online Fax Services for Gmail

Some best online fax services for integrating fax capabilities with Gmail:

1. eFax

eFax is an industry leader in online fax solutions for over 20 years. Plans start at $16.95 per month with a 30-day free trial available.

2. Fax.Plus

Fax.Plus offers native integration with Gmail and Google Workspace. 10 free fax pages included in plans starting at $7.99 per month.

3. MetroFax

MetroFax provides unlimited faxing plans from $9.95 per month. It offers dedicated fax numbers with the US and Canada.

4. HelloFax

HelloFax lets you send 5 free fax pages every month in their free forever plan. Paid plans start from $9.99 per month.

5. SRFax

SRFax is a secure, HIPAA-compliant fax solution with plans from $9.99 per month. It offers unlimited fax pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Gmail have a built-in fax feature?

A: No, Gmail does not natively support faxing. You need to use a third-party online fax service that integrates with Gmail.

Q: Can I fax internationally from Gmail?

A: Yes, most online fax services allow you to fax to international numbers from your Gmail account.

Q: Is faxing from Gmail secure?

A: Yes, reputed online fax services use encryption and other security measures to protect your faxes.

Q: What files can I fax from Gmail?

A: Common file types like PDF, Microsoft Word, JPG, PNG and TIFF can be faxed from your Gmail account.

Q: How many pages can I fax from Gmail for free?

A: The free fax allowance depends on the service. eFax and Fax.Plus offer 30 free trial pages. HelloFax has a free plan with 5 monthly fax pages while MetroFax provides 10 free pages per month.


With many affordable and feature-rich online fax services, sending and receiving faxes directly from your Gmail inbox is simple and convenient. Sign up with a reputed fax service, get your virtual fax number, and seamlessly integrate fax capabilities into your Gmail workflow. The security, accessibility and eco-friendliness make cloud fax solutions far superior to traditional fax machines.