How To Set Up and Configure Visual Voicemail on an iPhone

Visual voicemail is a convenient iPhone feature that lets you view and manage your voicemails visually instead of having to dial in and navigate clunky audio menus. Setting up and configuring visual voicemail on an iPhone is easy. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Set Up Visual Voicemail

  1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the “Voicemail” tab at the bottom.
  3. Tap on “Set Up Now”. If you already have voicemail set up, you may see options to change your greeting instead.
  4. Create a voicemail password when prompted and tap “Done”.
  5. Confirm your password.
  6. Choose either the default greeting or tap “Custom” to record your own personal greeting.

Once the setup is complete, you will be able to view a list of voicemail messages directly on your iPhone.

Configure Visual Voicemail Options

There are a few options you can configure to customize your visual voicemail experience:


Visual voicemail can transcribe your voicemails into text (only available in some countries/regions). To view transcriptions:

  • Open the Phone app and tap on a voicemail message.
  • Scroll down and you will see the transcription below the audio controls.

Live Voicemail

Live voicemail displays a real-time transcription as someone leaves a voicemail message.

To enable:

  • Go to Settings > Phone > Live Voicemail
  • Toggle on Live Voicemail

Voicemail Notifications

To change voicemail notifications:

  • Go to Settings > Notifications > Phone > Voicemail
  • Choose notification style and enable/disable lock screen notifications


To change your voicemail greeting:

  • Open Phone app > Voicemail
  • Tap “Greeting”
  • Choose “Default” or “Custom”
  • Record new greeting if custom

Access Visual Voicemail

There are a few ways to access visual voicemail on your iPhone:

  • Open the Phone app and select the “Voicemail” tab
  • Ask Siri to play voicemail messages
  • Dial your own phone number and enter voicemail password

When accessing visual voicemail, you will see a list of messages with timestamps. Tap a message to play, view transcriptions, call back the number, delete the message and more.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you have issues setting up visual voicemail or it is not working properly:

  • Make sure you are subscribed to visual voicemail service through your carrier
  • Check for carrier updates and install if available
  • Toggle airplane mode off and on to reset connection
  • Restart your iPhone
  • Reset network settings
  • Clear app cache/data for Phone app
  • Contact carrier support for further troubleshooting


Visual voicemail makes it simple and convenient to manage voicemails directly on your iPhone. Follow the setup instructions to start using it, configure options to your preference, access messages in a few different ways, and try some troubleshooting steps if you have any issues. With an intuitive visual interface, voice transcriptions, and customizable notifications, visual voicemail takes the frustration out of dealing with voicemails on your iPhone.