How To Troubleshoot Viber Messenger Not Delivering Messages

  • Poor internet connectivity or signal strength causing messages to not send or receive properly. Restarting the device or trying a different WiFi/cellular data connection may help.
  • Recipient may have blocked you, preventing messages from going through. They would need to unblock you in their settings.
  • Incorrect contact details for the recipient could prevent message delivery. Verify you have the right details.
  • Outdated app version can cause issues. Update Viber to the latest version.
  • Disabled notifications and permissions in device settings or the Viber app itself could prevent proper message sending. Check settings.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check internet connectivity and signal strength. Switch connections or restart device.
  • Verify recipient has not blocked you and you have correct contact details for them.
  • Update Viber app to latest version.
  • Enable all necessary permissions and notifications for Viber in device settings and in-app.
  • Try resetting Viber app to default settings or reinstalling it.
  • Contact Viber support if issues persist for further help.

Preventative Measures

  • Keep Viber updated.
  • Don’t disable critical permissions.
  • Maintain reliable internet connectivity.
  • Periodically restart device and Viber app.
  • Cultivate good relationships with contacts to avoid blocking.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!