How to View and Check Your Past Liked Tweets on Twitter

Liking tweets on Twitter is a great way to show appreciation and support for content you enjoy. Over time, you may accumulate hundreds or even thousands of liked tweets. But have you ever wanted to go back and view the tweets you previously liked?

Checking your past liked tweets can be useful for several reasons:

  • Remind yourself of tweets you enjoyed in the past
  • Unlike tweets you no longer want to be associated with
  • Identify patterns in the types of content you tend to like
  • Find old tweets to reference or reshare

Fortunately, Twitter makes it easy to view your liked tweet history. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access your past liked tweets on both desktop and mobile.

Viewing Your Liked Tweets on Desktop

  1. Log into your Twitter account on the desktop site (
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click “Likes”. Twitter desktop likes
  4. This will display a feed showing all of the tweets you have ever liked on Twitter in reverse chronological order (newest first).
  5. Scroll down to browse your past liked tweets.

You can also search for specific keywords using Ctrl + F (PC) or Command + F (Mac) to find relevant tweets quickly.

Viewing Your Liked Tweets on Mobile

The process is very similar on mobile:

  1. Open the Twitter app on your iPhone, Android, or other mobile device.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner.
  3. Select “Likes” to view your liked tweet feed.
  4. Scroll down to view your past liked tweets.

You can also search within your liked tweets using the search bar at the top of the screen.

Unlike Tweets You No Longer Wish to Like

As you review your past liked tweets, you may come across some that you no longer agree with or want to be associated with.

The good news is you can easily unlike tweets:

On Desktop:

  • Hover over the tweet and click the red heart icon that appears.

On Mobile:

  • Swipe left on the tweet and tap the red heart icon.

This will instantly remove your like from the tweet.

Tips for Managing Your Liked Tweets

Here are some additional tips for managing your liked tweet history on Twitter:

  • Unlike tweets in bulk: If you want to unlike multiple tweets quickly, use a third party tool like TweetDeleter which lets you unlike up to 1000 tweets at once.
  • Automatically save likes: You can automatically save your liked tweets to a spreadsheet using IFTTT so you have a searchable record.
  • Make your likes private: If you don’t want your liked tweets visible to the public, you can make your Twitter account private so only your approved followers can see your likes.
  • Start fresh: If your liked tweets are out of control, you can unlike all tweets and start fresh. Just be warned this will remove all likes.


I hope this guide was helpful in explaining how to view your liked tweet history on Twitter.

Checking your past likes can provide useful insights into your interests and social media patterns over time.

As you review old likes, take the opportunity to tidy up your history by removing likes from tweets you no longer want to be connected with.

And consider implementing some of the tips above, like automating backups of your likes or making your profile private.

Taking the time to actively manage your liked tweets will ensure your Twitter profile accurately reflects who you are today.
