Table of Contents
On Desktop
- Open the Skype app on your PC or laptop and sign in to your account if needed.
- Click on the “People, groups & messages” search text field in the top left corner of the screen.
- Enter the name of the person you want to find.
- The right side of each search result displays the number of your mutual friends. If no number is shown, it means there are no mutual contacts.
On iPhone/iPad
- Launch the Skype app and sign in.
- Tap on the search icon at the top.
- Enter the contact’s name or details and tap Search.
- The search results will show the number of mutual friends on the right if applicable.
On Android
- Open the Skype app and login if required.
- Tap on the search bar at the top.
- Type in the name of your contact and tap Search.
- Any search results will display the number of mutual Skype friends on the right side.
So in summary, Skype allows you to see the number of mutual contacts you share with someone, but not the actual contact names/details themselves. This is designed to protect privacy. The number of mutuals is shown when searching for contacts across Skype on desktop, Android, and iOS.
I hope this helps explain how to check for mutual contacts on the Skype platform! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.