How to View Your Previous and Archived Orders on Amazon Website

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon allows you to view your entire order history, including archived orders, through your account settings.
  • You can access archived orders by selecting the “Archived Orders” option from the order filter dropdown menu.
  • Archiving orders hides them from your default order history view but does not delete them, allowing you to unarchive them later if needed.

As an experienced e-commerce writer and Amazon user, I understand the importance of being able to access your order history conveniently. Whether you need to reorder a product, track a shipment, or review past purchases, Amazon’s order history feature is a valuable tool. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the process of viewing your previous and archived orders on the Amazon website.

Accessing Your Order History

To view your order history on Amazon, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Amazon account on the website.
  2. Hover over the “Accounts & Lists” dropdown menu at the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Click on “Your Orders” from the dropdown menu.

This will take you to your order history page, where you can see a list of your recent orders by default.

Filtering Your Order History

Amazon provides various filters to help you navigate your order history more efficiently. Here’s how you can use them:

  1. On the order history page, locate the “Order Filter” dropdown menu at the top.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to reveal the filtering options.
  3. You can filter your orders by:
  • Year: Select a specific year to view orders placed during that time.
  • Order Status: Filter orders based on their status, such as “Shipped,” “Canceled,” or “Open.”
  • Payment Method: View orders paid for with a specific payment method (e.g., credit card, gift card).
  • Archived Orders: This option will display all the orders you have previously archived (more on this later).

Using these filters can help you quickly find the orders you’re looking for, especially if you have a extensive order history.

Viewing Archived Orders

Amazon allows you to archive orders that you no longer need to reference frequently or want to hide from your default order history view. This can be useful for keeping your order history organized or hiding sensitive purchases from others who may have access to your account.

To view your archived orders, follow these steps:

  1. On the order history page, click on the “Order Filter” dropdown menu.
  2. Select the “Archived Orders” option from the list.

This will display a list of all the orders you have previously archived. You can then click on any order to view its details, including the items purchased, shipping information, and payment method used.

Unarchiving Orders

If you need to access an archived order more frequently or want to restore it to your default order history view, you can unarchive it. Here’s how:

  1. From the list of archived orders, locate the order you want to unarchive.
  2. Click on the “Unarchive Order” button next to the order.
  3. Confirm your action by clicking “Unarchive Order” in the pop-up window.

The order will now be removed from your archived orders list and added back to your default order history view.

Archiving Orders

If you want to archive an order to keep your order history organized or hide a purchase, follow these steps:

  1. From your order history page, locate the order you want to archive.
  2. Click on the “Archive Order” button next to the order.
  3. Confirm your action by clicking “Archive Order” in the pop-up window.

The order will now be moved to your archived orders list and hidden from your default order history view.

Note: Archiving an order does not delete it from your account. It simply hides it from your default order history view, allowing you to access it later if needed.

Benefits of Archiving Orders

Archiving orders on Amazon can provide several benefits:

  • Decluttering: By archiving old or irrelevant orders, you can keep your default order history view clean and organized, making it easier to find recent or important orders.
  • Privacy: If you share your Amazon account with others (e.g., family members), archiving orders can help hide sensitive or personal purchases from their view.
  • Categorization: You can archive orders based on specific criteria (e.g., order type, product category) to better organize your order history.

However, it’s important to note that archived orders are still accessible to anyone with access to your Amazon account. If you need to keep certain orders completely private, consider creating a separate Amazon account or using Amazon’s guest checkout option.


Viewing your previous and archived orders on Amazon is a straightforward process that can help you stay organized, track your purchases, and maintain privacy when needed. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily access your entire order history, filter orders based on various criteria, and archive or unarchive orders as per your requirements. Effective order management on Amazon can enhance your overall shopping experience and help you make informed decisions for future purchases.