How to Add a Website to Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools Website - How to Add a Website to Bing Webmaster Tools 3

If you want extend your business presence online, getting the website to be covered as wide as possible is a good way to go. The second most popular search engine, Bing, might not as popular as Google but even that there are millions potential customers who using it.

Just like Google, Bing also offers a service similar to Search Console called Bing Webmaster Tools. It contains a handful of features to control website presence on Bing search result, many would help Bingbot index your website better.

So, if you want to add your website to Bing, follow these steps.

1. Head to Bing Webmaster Tools and login to the service.

Bing Webmaster Tools homepage - How to Add a Website to Bing Webmaster Tools 5

2. Next, click Add a site.

Add a site Bing - How to Add a Website to Bing Webmaster Tools 7

3. You may choose to import a verified website from Google Search Console. But in this tutorial, I will go for adding a website manually.

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4. Select the method to verify your website. Then, hit Verify.

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5. Now the website has been added to Bing Webmaster Tools.

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6. You may check out their features and perhaps submitting sitemaps ( to accelerate the index process.

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From now on, Bing will start crawling the submitted website and you would see if the website appears on the search engine by using a query “”. If the search result returns to your URL, then everything is configured perfectly.

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Bing may also inform you through the Webmaster Tools if there’s something that preventing the site from indexed. Please note that it could take days for the website to be crawled and indexed. So, be patient and keep creating good content in the meantime.