How to Auto Hide Windows 10 Taskbar From View

The Windows 10 taskbar is a useful tool that gives quick access to frequently used applications, widgets, the start menu, and more. However, some users may wish to hide the taskbar to reclaim screen space or for aesthetic reasons. Fortunately, Windows 10 includes the ability to auto-hide the taskbar when not in use. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to auto hide the Windows 10 taskbar.

What is Auto Hiding the Taskbar

Auto hiding the taskbar means the taskbar will automatically slide out of view when not in use. As soon as you move your mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen where the taskbar is located, it will reappear. This allows you to access the taskbar only when needed, reclaiming valuable screen real estate.

Benefits of Auto Hiding the Taskbar

There are a few benefits to auto hiding the Windows 10 taskbar:

  • Frees up more space on your screen for applications and documents
  • Provides a cleaner, less cluttered interface
  • Allows you to focus on your work without the distraction of a persistent taskbar
  • Looks sleeker and more modern

How to Auto Hide the Windows 10 Taskbar

Auto hiding the taskbar only takes a few simple steps:

Method 1: Use Taskbar Settings

  1. Right click anywhere on the taskbar
  2. Select “Taskbar settings” from the context menu
  3. Under the “Taskbar behaviors” section, toggle “Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode” to the On position
  4. Close the taskbar settings

The taskbar will now automatically slide out of view when not hovered over by your mouse cursor.

Method 2: Use Registry Editor

  1. Type “regedit” into the Windows search bar and open Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3
  3. Double click on the key called “Settings”
  4. Under the value for “AutoHide”, change it from 0 to 1
  5. Click OK and close Registry Editor

This will also enable auto hide for the taskbar.

Customizing When the Taskbar Hides

You can customize exactly where and when the auto hidden taskbar appears:

  • Set it to only auto hide in desktop mode or tablet mode
  • Choose which side the taskbar appears from
  • Adjust the sensitivity of when the taskbar hides/appears

To customize these settings:

  1. Right click the taskbar
  2. Click “Taskbar settings”
  3. Adjust the options under “Taskbar behaviors” as desired


Auto hiding the taskbar is an easy way to clean up your Windows 10 desktop and focus on your work. Simply toggle the “Automatically hide the taskbar” setting to On to make the taskbar disappear whenever you’re not using it. You can also fine-tune exactly how the auto hide functions to match your personal preferences. Give it a try and enjoy the additional screen space!