How To Automatically Like Posts on Instagram Without Manual Effort

Key takeaways:

  • Instagram automation tools can help you automatically like posts from specific users or hashtags
  • Be cautious when using automation tools as they may violate Instagram’s terms of service
  • Focus on engaging with your audience authentically while using automation strategically

Instagram is a powerful platform for building your brand and engaging with your audience. However, manually liking posts can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, there are ways to automate this process, allowing you to focus on creating great content and connecting with your followers.

Understanding Instagram Automation

Instagram automation refers to the use of third-party tools to perform tasks on your behalf, such as liking posts, following users, and commenting. These tools can save you time and help you maintain a consistent presence on the platform.

However, it’s important to use automation responsibly. Instagram has strict guidelines against spammy behavior, and using automation excessively can lead to your account being flagged or even banned.

Benefits of Automating Instagram Likes

  1. Save time: Automating your likes frees up time for you to focus on other aspects of your Instagram strategy, such as creating content and engaging with your audience.
  2. Increase engagement: By automatically liking posts from relevant users and hashtags, you can increase your visibility and attract new followers.
  3. Maintain consistency: Automation ensures that you’re consistently engaging with your audience, even when you’re busy or away from your device.

Risks of Instagram Automation

  1. Violating Instagram’s terms of service: Instagram prohibits the use of third-party apps that automate likes, comments, or follows. Using these tools excessively can result in your account being penalized or banned.
  2. Damaging your brand reputation: Automated likes and comments can appear spammy and inauthentic, which can harm your brand’s reputation and turn off potential followers.
  3. Decreased engagement: While automation can help you attract new followers, it’s important to balance it with genuine engagement. Relying too heavily on automation can lead to a decrease in meaningful interactions with your audience.

Best Practices for Instagram Automation

  1. Use automation strategically: Rather than automating all of your activity, use automation selectively to complement your manual efforts. For example, you might automate likes for a specific hashtag while manually engaging with your followers’ comments.
  2. Choose a reputable tool: Look for an Instagram automation tool that prioritizes safety and complies with Instagram’s terms of service. Some popular options include Tailwind, Later, and Sprout Social.
  3. Monitor your account: Keep a close eye on your account’s performance and engagement rates when using automation. If you notice a decrease in engagement or an increase in spammy activity, adjust your automation settings or consider scaling back your use of the tool.
  4. Prioritize authentic engagement: While automation can be a useful tool, it’s no substitute for genuine engagement. Make sure to set aside time to manually interact with your followers, respond to comments and messages, and build real relationships on the platform.

How to Set Up Instagram Automation

  1. Choose an automation tool: Research and compare different Instagram automation tools to find one that meets your needs and budget.
  2. Connect your Instagram account: Follow the tool’s instructions to connect your Instagram account and grant necessary permissions.
  3. Set up your automation rules: Most tools allow you to set up rules for automating likes, such as liking posts from specific users or hashtags. Be sure to set realistic limits and avoid over-automating.
  4. Monitor and adjust: Regularly check in on your account’s performance and engagement rates, and adjust your automation settings as needed to ensure you’re getting the best results.


Instagram automation can be a valuable tool for streamlining your social media efforts and growing your presence on the platform. However, it’s important to use automation responsibly and in moderation. By following best practices and prioritizing authentic engagement, you can use automation to complement your manual efforts and build a thriving community on Instagram.


Is Instagram automation allowed?

While Instagram allows some forms of automation, such as scheduling posts, the platform prohibits the use of third-party apps that automate likes, comments, or follows. Using these tools excessively can result in your account being penalized or banned.

Can I automate all of my Instagram activity?

It’s not recommended to automate all of your Instagram activity. Automation should be used strategically to complement your manual efforts, not replace them entirely. Over-automating can lead to decreased engagement and may harm your brand’s reputation.

How do I choose the right Instagram automation tool?

When choosing an Instagram automation tool, look for one that prioritizes safety, complies with Instagram’s terms of service, and offers the features you need. Some popular options include Tailwind, Later, and Sprout Social. Be sure to read reviews and compare pricing before making a decision.

How often should I check my account when using automation?

It’s important to regularly monitor your account’s performance and engagement rates when using automation. Check in at least once a day to ensure your automation settings are working as intended and to respond to any comments or messages from your followers.

Can automation replace manual engagement on Instagram?

No, automation should not replace manual engagement on Instagram. While automation can help you save time and maintain a consistent presence, it’s no substitute for genuine interaction with your audience. Make sure to set aside time to manually engage with your followers, build relationships, and create a sense of community on the platform.