Telegram is a popular messaging app that allows users to send messages, media, files and make calls privately. With over 700 million active users, Telegram offers robust features to help you control your privacy and security. This article provides a detailed guide on how to block and restrict users on Telegram app across devices.
Table of Contents
Blocking a User on Telegram
Blocking someone on Telegram prevents them from messaging you or seeing your last seen status. Their messages will no longer reach you. Here are the steps to block a user:
On Android
- Open your chat with the user you want to block
- Tap on their profile picture > Tap on 3-dot menu icon
- Select “Block user”
- Confirm by tapping on “Block”
On iOS
- Open chat with user you want to block
- Tap on their profile picture > Tap on 3-dot menu icon
- Choose “Block user”
- Confirm blocking by tapping on “Block”
On Desktop (Windows/Mac)
- Click on the hamburger menu icon
- Go to Contacts and select the user
- Click on 3-dot menu icon next to their name
- Choose “Block user”
- Confirm blocking by clicking on “Block”
You can also block someone through their messages in your chat list, by tapping on their name, going to their profile and then selecting “Block user”.
Once blocked, the user will no longer be able to send you messages or see your last seen status. You can unblock them anytime by going to Privacy and Security > Blocked Users and tapping on “Unblock” next to their name.
Restricting Users in Telegram Groups/Channels
As an admin, you can restrict users in your groups and channels from forwarding or saving messages and media. Here’s how to do it:
Restrict Message Forwarding
- Open your group/channel > Tap on group name
- Tap on the pencil icon to edit group info
- Scroll down and enable “Restrict Saving Content”
This will prevent users from forwarding messages from your group/channel to other chats.
Disable Downloads
- Follow same steps as above
- Scroll down further and enable “Disable Download”
This will stop users from saving media files from your group/channel to their device storage.
Slow Mode
You can also limit how frequently a member can post messages with Slow Mode:
- Go to Group/Channel Settings
- Under Permissions, tap on “Slow Mode”
- Choose interval between messages
The user will see a message saying they can only post again after the selected time interval.
By restricting permissions, you have better control over information flow in your groups and channels.
Blocking on Telegram Premium
Telegram Premium offers advanced chat management features, including improved blocking capabilities:
Remove Messages
You can now remove any message in your private chats, even if it’s very old. This is helpful for erasing a blocked user’s message history.
Filter Chats
Arrange your chats into custom folders like “Unread” or “Blocked Users”. Muted chats can go into a separate folder.
More Block Slots
Telegram Premium allows you to block up to 1000 users, compared to just 500 users for free accounts.
With Telegram Premium, you get more control over managing disruptive users through advanced chat filters, unlimited message deletion, and increased block slots.
Tips for Blocking Users
- When you block someone, they can still see your profile photo and bio. Use privacy settings to control profile visibility.
- Blocked users can’t add you to groups. Enable “Who Can Add Me” to My Contacts to better control group invites.
- Use multiple Telegram accounts – one for public visibility and another private one for selective contacts.
- Use Telegram bots for automated responses to handle spam users.
Telegram offers robust blocking capabilities to restrict unwanted users. Premium subscribers gain additional features like expanded block slots, chat filters and unlimited message deletion. Configuring permissions in groups/channels prevents misuse of information. With these privacy controls, you can securely manage communications on Telegram.