How to Boost and Improve Your Wi-Fi Connection Signal Strength

Having a strong Wi-Fi signal in your home or office is critical for fast internet speeds and reliable connectivity. A weak Wi-Fi signal can lead to slow loading times, streaming buffering, dropped video calls, and more. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to boost and improve your Wi-Fi signal strength.

Check Your Internet Speed

The first step is to check your internet download and upload speeds to get a baseline. Run a speed test at to check your speeds. This will tell you if your slow internet is being caused by your internet service provider (ISP) rather than your Wi-Fi.

If your speed test results are significantly lower than what your ISP promises, contact them to troubleshoot. If your speeds are normal, then improving your Wi-Fi signal should help with any connection issues.

Switch to 5GHz Band

If your router is dual-band, make sure your devices are connecting to the 5GHz band when possible instead of the more crowded 2.4GHz band. The 5GHz band offers faster speed potential, lower interference, and more available channels.

To switch bands:

  • Windows – Go to Network Connections, right click your Wi-Fi network, and click Properties. Under Band Selection, choose 5GHz.
  • Mac – Hold the Option key and click the Wi-Fi icon. Under “Wireless Mode”, select 5GHz.
  • iPhone and Android – Go to your Wi-Fi settings. The network name will indicate if it’s 2.4GHz or 5GHz. Select the 5GHz option if available.

Update Router Firmware

Outdated router firmware can lead to buggy performance and connectivity issues. Log into your router administration page and check the current firmware version. Then visit your router manufacturer’s website to download the latest firmware. Follow the instructions to update the firmware. This keeps your router working reliably.

Change Wi-Fi Channel

If you use the 2.4GHz band, changing the Wi-Fi channel can help reduce interference from nearby networks.

Use a Wi-Fi analyzer app to scan local networks and find the least congested channel. Then log into your router to change the channel – this setting is usually under the wireless or connection settings.

Observe your connectivity after changing channels to see if it helps.

Optimize Router Placement

Where you place your router plays a big role in Wi-Fi performance throughout your home.

Ideal placement tips:

  • Central location
  • Out in the open (not stuffed inside a cabinet)
  • Elevated higher than ground level
  • Away from potential sources of interference like appliances

If relocating the router isn’t convenient, consider getting a Wi-Fi range extender to carry the signal further.

Upgrade Router Antennas

If your router has external antennas, upgrading them can help focus and direct the Wi-Fi signal to where you need it most. High-gain directional antennas send the signal farther in a specific direction.

Figure out what areas need better coverage, then point upgraded antennas to reach those spots. This helps extend your coverage area.

Reduce Signal Interference

Other devices in your home operating on the 2.4GHz frequency can potentially interfere with Wi-Fi signals. This includes baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, microwaves, and more.

Try the following fixes:

  • Connect devices to 5GHz Wi-Fi instead of 2.4GHz when possible
  • Keep the router away from potential interference sources
  • Set devices like phones and speakers to airplane mode when not in use

Fewer devices competing on the same frequencies means better Wi-Fi performance potential.

Add Mesh Wi-Fi System

Mesh Wi-Fi systems have multiple access points that work together to blanket your home with strong Wi-Fi coverage. Mesh routers connect to each other wirelessly, creating a mesh network that reaches every nook and cranny.

Mesh systems are ideal if you have dead zones in your home that even a range extender can’t help. The mesh nodes act as range extenders while also providing extra ethernet ports for wired connections.

Contact ISP for Assistance

If you’ve tried various troubleshooting tips with no improvement, contact your internet provider for assistance. Explain the issues you’re experiencing and what steps you’ve taken to resolve them.

Many ISPs can analyze your connection remotely and may even send a technician to inspect your setup if needed. Take advantage of their technical expertise if available.

Invest in Wi-Fi Boosters and Extenders

One of the easiest ways to spread your Wi-Fi signal into dead zones is by adding a range extender or Wi-Fi booster. These affordable devices plug into an outlet and grab the existing Wi-Fi signal from your router. They then rebroadcast the signal further into areas that were previously lacking coverage.

Wi-Fi boosters are a quick fix that work with any router. Plus they’re easy to set up for any homeowner.

Upgrade Internet Plan

If your household has multiple people streaming, gaming, video calling, and more simultaneously, your internet plan’s bandwidth may be getting maxed out. Upgrading to a faster internet plan means more bandwidth to support heavy usage across multiple devices.

Contact your ISP to ask about faster internet packages in your area. Gigabit plans are ideal for households with lots of connected devices running concurrently.

Tweak Router Settings

Log into your router dashboard and tweak settings like Wi-Fi channels, transmission power, and more.

Things to adjust:

  • Wi-Fi channel
  • Transmission power – increasing may extend range
  • WMM (Wi-Fi multimedia) settings
  • Fragmentation threshold
  • RTS threshold

Note that finding the right balance for these settings takes some trial and error. Adjust conservatively and test the impact before continuing tweaks.

Set Up Access Point

You can add an additional Wi-Fi access point to your network to provide a secondary signal source. This takes pressure off your existing router while providing expanded Wi-Fi coverage.

Access points connect to your router via ethernet cable, then broadcast a new Wi-Fi signal independently. Place the access point in a central area halfway between your main router and the Wi-Fi dead zone. This effectively fills in the weak coverage area with a strong second Wi-Fi network.


Boosting your home or office Wi-Fi doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Start with simple fixes like changing router placement, switching Wi-Fi bands, reducing interference, and updating firmware.

For persistent dead zones, Wi-Fi extenders and mesh networks are affordable and effective options. And if your internet plan’s bandwidth is lacking for your household needs, upgrading to faster speeds may be the solution.

With a combination of practical tweaks, you can take your Wi-Fi signal from frustratingly spotty to strong and reliable. Use the tips in this guide to optimize your wireless performance.