How to Connect Streamlabs Alerts to Your Twitch Channel

Streamlabs is one of the most popular tools used by Twitch streamers to engage with their audience and customize their streams. With Streamlabs, you can set up cool overlays, alerts, chats, tipping, and more.

In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through how to connect Streamlabs alerts to your Twitch channel, so you can spice up your streams.

Why Use Streamlabs Alerts?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Streamlabs alerts:

  • Customizable alerts: Easily create custom graphics and sounds for new followers, subscribers, donations, hosts etc. Make them match your stream design.
  • Interactive features: Alerts encourage audience participation through tipping, voting, polls etc. This boosts engagement.
  • Branding: Alert animations and sounds represent your channel’s brand and personality.
  • Revenue opportunities: Alerts promote your monetization options clearly so viewers know how to support you.
  • Acknowledge supporters: Thanking new subscribers/donators through alerts makes them feel valued.

Step 1: Connect Your Twitch Account to Streamlabs

First, you need to link your Twitch channel to Streamlabs so it can access your stream data:

  1. Sign up for a free Streamlabs account.
  2. Download and install Streamlabs OBS or Streamlabs Desktop app on your PC.
  3. In the app, click on the Twitch icon to connect your Twitch account when prompted.
  4. Enter your Twitch login credentials to authorize Streamlabs.

And you’re connected!

Step 2: Set Up The Alert Box Widget

The Alert Box widget displays all your stream alerts. To add it:

  1. In Streamlabs, click the “+” icon in the Sources section.
  2. Select “Alert Box” from the widgets menu.
  3. The Alert Box will appear in your Scenes. Customize it from the Streamlabs dashboard.

Step 3: Customize Your Alerts

You can customize alerts for each event like follows, subs, donations etc.

To edit an alert:

  1. Go to the Alert Box on your Streamlabs dashboard.
  2. Click the alert type (e.g. Follow) you want to edit from the left menu.
  3. Customize the text, graphics, animations, sounds and more!

Some customization options:

  • Add your own images/logos
  • Animate text and graphics
  • Import custom sound effects
  • Change text fonts, colors etc.
  • Adjust alert duration on screen
  • Create tiered alerts for bigger tips

Test your alerts using the “Test” buttons. Get creative with the customizations until you’re happy, and save the settings. Do this for each alert type you want to set up.

Step 4: Adding Browser Sources (For OBS Users)

If you use OBS instead of Streamlabs OBS, here is how to connect the Streamlabs alerts:

  1. Copy the Widget URL from your Alert Box settings in Streamlabs.
  2. In OBS, add a Browser Source and paste this URL.
  3. Position/resize the source to fit your layout.

And you’re done! Your customized Streamlabs alerts will now appear in OBS.

Extra Tips

  • Use the Streamlabs custom themes gallery for inspiration.
  • Tier your alerts to showcase different animations for bigger tips.
  • Add a Stream Boss or spin wheel to make alerts interactive.

I hope this guide covered the entire process of setting up Streamlabs alerts for your Twitch channel! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.