How to Delete and Disable Your Overwatch Gaming Account

Overwatch is a popular team-based multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. With over 50 million players worldwide, it’s one of the most played games today.

However, some players reach a point where they want to take a break or quit Overwatch completely. Deleting or disabling your Overwatch account is an option if you want to permanently stop playing.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to delete or disable your Overwatch account:

Fully Deleting Your Overwatch Account

If you want to completely remove your Overwatch account and all associated data, you can request for Blizzard to delete it. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Log Into Your Account

Your Overwatch account is connected to your account. Go to the website and log into your account.

Step 2: Submit an Account Deletion Request

  1. Click on Account Settings.
  2. Under Account Management, select Close Account.
  3. Read through all the information carefully.
  4. Check the box confirming you understand your account will be permanently closed.
  5. Click Submit Request.

Once submitted, Blizzard will start the account deletion process. It can take up to 30 days to complete.

Step 3: Lose All Account Data

Once your account is deleted by Blizzard, all associated data will be removed permanently. This includes:

  • Game licenses, stats, progression, items
  • Purchase history and transactions
  • Communications with customer support
  • Forums posts and interactions

The account deletion cannot be reversed or undone. You will have to start over with a brand new account if you wish to play Overwatch again in the future.

Disabling Your Overwatch Account

If you may want to return to Overwatch someday, disabling your account is a safer option than full deletion. Here’s how to disable your account:

Uninstall the Game

The first step is to uninstall Overwatch from your gaming platform. This removes the temptation to launch and play the game whenever you feel an urge.

To uninstall:

  • PC: Go to Blizzard App > Click Overwatch > Select Uninstall
  • PlayStation: Go to Overwatch in Library > Press Options > Select Delete
  • Xbox: Go to My Games and Apps > Select Overwatch > Choose Uninstall

Disable Auto-Renewal

If you have an active Overwatch subscription or loot box auto-renewal enabled, make sure to turn it off so you don’t get unexpectedly charged in the future.

To disable auto-renewal:

  1. Go to the Blizzard Shop
  2. Click on your Account name
  3. Select Payment History
  4. Turn off auto-renewal for any active subscriptions

Take a Break

With the game uninstalled and payments disabled, take an extended break from Overwatch. Avoid visiting forums and communities related to the game as well.

If you get tempted to play again, remind yourself why you wanted to quit in the first place. Revisit your reasons whenever you feel an urge.

Check Back Occasionally

Every few months, log back into your account and check if you still wish to remain disabled or want to delete your Overwatch account completely.

As long as you don’t reinstall the game, your account will stay disabled but intact if you ever change your mind.

Should You Delete or Disable Your Account?

Deciding whether to delete or disable your Overwatch account depends on your personal situation and intentions.

Delete Your Account If:

  • You are addicted and Overwatch is negatively impacting your life
  • You want to quit permanently and never return
  • You play mostly Overwatch and don’t care about losing other Blizzard games

Disable Your Account If:

  • You want to take an extended break but may come back someday
  • You want to keep your progression and purchases
  • You play multiple Blizzard games and don’t want to lose access

Think carefully before choosing deletion or disablement. Both have their pros and cons to weigh up.

Tips to Prevent Relapsing After Quitting

Deleting or disabling your account removes access but doesn’t stop cravings. Here are some tips to avoid relapsing:

Find a new hobby – Replace gaming time with a new activity. Pick up that instrument you’ve always wanted to learn or join a local sports team.

Remove gaming friends/groups – Sever your ties with people you only know through Overwatch. Remove yourself from gaming forums and groups as well. This reduces temptation triggers.

Seek support – If urges are too difficult to resist or you suffer withdrawal symptoms, join a gaming addiction support community. Connect with people going through the same journey.

Remind yourself of reasons – When you get an urge to play, revisit what made you quit Overwatch in the first place. Read any letters you wrote to your future self.

Staying clean after quitting takes vigilance and commitment. But it can be done with dedication and lifestyle changes.

Final Thoughts

Deleting or disabling your Overwatch account is a significant step towards taking control of gaming habits and compulsions. Consider your personal reasons and intended outcome before deciding between permanent deletion or temporary disablement.

Whichever option you pick, make sure to remove temptation triggers, pick up a hobby to fill time, sever gaming ties, and seek support when needed. With the right lifestyle changes, you can quit Overwatch for good.

The journey isn’t easy, but taking the first steps to remove access is crucial. Stay strong and continue moving forward after making your account unavailable. A happier and more balanced life awaits on the other side.